To Øl Brett And Butter - "DOES NOT CONTAIN BUTTER" Belgian beer review

in #beer7 years ago

Super excited about this beer. It's the second one, that I bought from Sofia last weekend. Actually I have never tried one of this brewery's beers. It's Danish company, but I think the beer is actually brewed in Belgium.
The beer has a label of a nice style, very clean and simple. It's said that it's a "Table beer fermented with brettanomyces, dry hopped with Mosaic"... Sounds interesting, isn't it? And the name Brett and Butter brings the interest even further!
So let's continue with the review...

It's said that actually the beer "DOES NOT CONTAIN BUTTER"... Hehe... sounds obvious to me, but who knows...

Poured into the glass, the beer revealed its nice golden colour. It poured with a finger of nice white foam, which diffuses somewhat quickly, which is common for sour beers in my opinion. But it's outlook is definitely lovely.

At the first brief sniff... I wasn't impressed to be honest... I could't smell anything at all. Only somewhat sour cucumber-like aroma and some Brett character. Tasting it with a little sip confirmed the first impression of the aroma... Very dry beer, almost no residual sugars and somewhat watery taste.

I then motivated myself and decided to give the beer a second chance. Followed a little bit deeper sniff... And wow... I felt a somewhat wet forest-pine aroma! And a deeper brett scent. Pushed it even more. I gave it a swirl and inhaled veeery deep. Here was the Mosaic! Some citrus aromas, maybe some mango and light lemon aromas... Absolutely very nice and refreshing. The next sip gave me more of these aromas... Yes, maybe my mouth already got used to the beer's lightness and was already tuned for all these magic-like flavours. Yes, the dryness still existed. After all this is a 3,5% abv Ale, so it's supposed to be dry, considering also, that it's brett fermented.

Where is the butter I asked myself? Hmm... maybe in the aftertaste I managed to detect some butter biscuits and even some bread. It has also a very bitter zest-like aftertaste, maybe some pine as well. Great!

Overall opinion: Explosion of tastes! Great choice and after the somewhat disappointing beginning, it left a great impression. Definitely deserves a try.
Score: 9,5/10

Some random photos:

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Beautiful photo i love it @mdosev

Awesome Work.

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