Patience my friend!!!!!! Know the feeling haha. Never have regret of not selling at the height either, remember, you didn't sell because you understood the value of the asset.
Totul este ciclic. Daca stii sa izolezi preturile din trecut o sa vezi ca pretul nu a coborat decat putin sub linia de crestere logaritmica, din 2013 pana acum. In acest moment pretul minim se apropie de 6000, era undeva la 5500 acum 5 zile. Nu are ce face decat sa creasca pentru ca investitorii de dinainte de decembrie nu au plecat nicaieri :D
Doar din cei noi au plecat unii, gandeste-te ca eu am pierdere 75% si bag in fiecare luna, chiar azi am bagat.
Nu e cazul ca scandam "moon" inca, dar increderea in dinamica pietei nu a fost inca stirbita de niciun eveniment supranatural, deci piata e exact in situatia pre-decembrie 2017. Adica buna!
I miss those amazing days too!!!
Patience my friend!!!!!! Know the feeling haha. Never have regret of not selling at the height either, remember, you didn't sell because you understood the value of the asset. is fine if the bitcoin price doesn't go up back to the record breaking on steem,i wish steem price goes to the moon! :)
Thanks a lit my friend! I am a true hodler with no regrets!
Totul este ciclic. Daca stii sa izolezi preturile din trecut o sa vezi ca pretul nu a coborat decat putin sub linia de crestere logaritmica, din 2013 pana acum. In acest moment pretul minim se apropie de 6000, era undeva la 5500 acum 5 zile. Nu are ce face decat sa creasca pentru ca investitorii de dinainte de decembrie nu au plecat nicaieri :D
Doar din cei noi au plecat unii, gandeste-te ca eu am pierdere 75% si bag in fiecare luna, chiar azi am bagat.
Nu e cazul ca scandam "moon" inca, dar increderea in dinamica pietei nu a fost inca stirbita de niciun eveniment supranatural, deci piata e exact in situatia pre-decembrie 2017. Adica buna!
Ai dreptate. Succes si multumesc!
lol, you need to put a picture of you picking onions under that one with the current bitcoin price!
that day was realy a breaking record day..
Nowadays we're back to the tap water.
No worries, we will be back up high and even beyond.
Cheers! ✌
I certainly hope they come around again too. Though it doesn't feel like it will at the moment.
Stay cool , my friend! Better days are coming!
Positive astrological influences are coming in a few months time.
Well this scene would come back soon to reality once more !
The cigarette kind of ruined it...