Tipples Beer Review #54 - Thirsty Crow on a Rooftop

in #beer7 years ago

So let me tell you of another tale set in Sydney town (I promise to get back to my hometown of Melbourne at some point) this tale involves one of my favourite breweries – Thirsty Crow and one of the better bars in the Sydney CBD – Hotel Sweeney’s rooftop.

Now hotel sweeney’s is a dive bar in all senses of the world (except of course price of beer) it’s dirty and grimy, and involves a three storey climb up some tiny stairs, it’s so ramshackle it could be in Melburne in fact, but at the end of that climb you end up on a smallish rooftop amongst some non descript 1970’s officew buildings and you can enjoy the sun with some beers.

So what did we drink?

Thirsty 1.jpg

Thirsty Crow Baby Brown This beer is smooth, so smooth it's walked up and said ‘Hey girl, you alright?’ But not in a harassy way, in a way makes you raise your eyebrows and flirt right back. It has a hint of tobacco and dust in the taste, it might just be that its about 35 degrees in this bar but I'm thinking beers on a veranda in QLD heat as a cane sugar field burns and Jimmy Barnes sings working class man. That is all to say this beer is seriously good.

Thristy 2.jpg

The Thirsty Crow Pocket Rocket hiding in the back of the shot is a pretty darn good beer. It tastes like a pretty standard pale ale, which shouldn't be that impressive until you realise its 2.9% and 18 IBUs. If I was ever driving and was looking for something to have this would be it. In fact I'm calling this beer Philippe Petit because it’s small and has perfect balance, in fact I think I saw this beer walk between the twin towers once, and then they made a film about it that wasn't as good as the documentary but that lovely kid from 500 Days of summer played the role of the Pocket Rocket.

The Third beer we had, which is front and centre in the second photo is Thirsty Crows Vanilla Milk stout, which I’ve reviewed before, way back in Tipples #19, but as Steemit has not long tail so you don’t remember that and there is no benefit from me sending you to that review so let me quote myself.
I pours jet black, as dark as Darth Vadar, but unlike Darth this had a small thin head. The smells is amazing, toasty, not so sweet so much as not the normal roastiness of a stout.
The taste is sweet and chocolately and so luxurious All in all Thirsty Crow Vanilla milk Stout is an amazing beer, well worth seeking out.

So the lessons today are – If you are Australian and you see Thirsty Crow on tap or in your bottleshop, buy it. If you are in Sydney, in the CBD, need somewhere to drink go to Hotel Sweeney’s rooftop bar, it’s a dive, the bar staff are generally disinterested in life, but they do have good beer.

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