Tipples Beer Review #49 - Six Strings Marzen (Australia)

in #beer6 years ago


This week I'm up on the balcony again for a perfect summer summer sunset and a lovely beer.

The Beer is from Six Strings, which is a brewery just North of Sydney in Australia, it opened in 2012, and produces a range of beers all available in cans, and as you may guess has a whole guitar rock vibe to what they do.

This beer is a Marzen which is a germanic oktoberfest beer, basically a powerful lager - Given the music leaning, the fact that it's called Ramstein is kind of cool.

As you can see it comes in a very cool half litre silver can with a angry looking ram on the front, I particularly like the way that when you place a beer next to it it's reflects it.


The beer itself looked amazing too. It's a almost luminance orange colour (the photos with the light sky in the background don't do it justice) It looks solid if that is a thing with tiny bubbles as a good lager should.

It has a nice malty backbone a hint of sweetness, perhaps even marmalade qualities, low soft carbonation makes it much easier to drink that the name would suggest. Not nearly as punchy as I expected.

All in all a fantastic oktoberfest beer which is doing a great job on a cool late summer evening.

As always this is in @Detlev Beer Saturday competition, check out all the details here: https://steemit.com/beersaturday/@detlev/why-not-earn-your-next-beer-with-a-nice-post-the-steemit-beersaturday-challenge-week-36-is-calling-all-steemians and vote for my comment on the main post if you want to help me win, or below if you just like what you read.



I miss Sydney so much. Thanks for sharing the balcony view. I’m not a huge fan of Marzens but your photos make it look tasty.

Sounds like we have very similar tastes @cryptictruth! I was about to say pretty much the same thing.

Marzens are old of the few type of lagers than I like, each to there own I guess. I'll also claim some sort of Sydney/Melbourne rivally,and claim Melbourne (we I live) is better but I can see the appeal of Sydney as we;ll

I can't comment on the Aussie part because I've never been. (hopefully in the Melbourne area next christmas!)
Lagers on the other hand, not a big fan in general. Though The occasional Bock or Dunkle ain't bad.

Great color. Sounds like a beer I would like. Malty with marmalade. Yum.

not had the pleasure of sampling a beer from Six Strings but boy does that look like a tasty brew! That can design is another level too!

I agree this beer looks great, I think I would love it!!

Nice review mate, and a cracking background in that last shot... Spent a few month in Sydney in 2008, great city!

Love the name, and here's a song by Rammstein called "Sonne" which has the chorus "here comes the sun". Quite fitting for your beer in the sun. I love Rammstein so much. :D

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