The Beer Review: Entry 6 "Phillips Ginger Beer"

in #beer7 years ago

The logo looks nice!

The first pour


The Rating Criteria
Appearance: 6%
Smell: 24%
Taste: 40%
Mouth Feel: 10%
Overall Impression: 20%

Appearance: 1% Very Pale almost clear, quite a bit of obstructions in the beer, probably bits of Ginger that were not sifted out possibly...
Smell: 4% No beer smell, very mild ginger smell
Taste: 5% So this is about the worst tasting beer that I have reviewed, and I like Ginger beers. If I could put a taste to it, I would describe it as a watered down club soda, boiled with a bit of Ginger.
Mouth Feel: 8% This wasn't so bad, goes down smooth with a tiny bit of hops to kick your mouth.
Overall impression: 0% I would never buy this again, I don't think I will even contemplate buying this for friends I hate.

Total: 18/100

This has been by far the worst Beer I have or will ever probably review


What's the alcohol level?

it's 5% it was so close to water I thought it was lower.

Then it's colored water🍺

That's funny...the worst beer yet!

Edit your post and rate this shit lower.

I probably could've, it made a few points in the Mouth Feel Category. Mouth feel is probably a made up term...

Dont say worst ever. Im sure you will taste the worst beers few more times in your life

Worst I have had, I'm sure something more fowl will be drank.

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