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RE: Beek Geek Update

in #beekeeping6 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing all of this. I dream of keeping bees but find it a little daunting - it terrifies me that I could accidental kill them. This winter we'll be studying and reading all we can and hopefully this spring finally we'll make it a reality. Keep on sharing - I'd love to follow your journey with this.


Full disclosure....I am super worried about the same thing. I am so worried about the winter as well as upcoming mite there is so much conflicting information out there about care for them!! So far, I keep reminding myself that they have been being bees forever and that in nature they survive so I am just here to help them. I will totally share as much as I can here!! I think you should go for it this spring!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for sharing that - I really am happy for you, and love your positive perspective on it. I can relate to all the conflicting information, I've spent a fair bit of time on bee keeping forums and such and there is such a divide on certain topics (medications vs natural and all that).

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