
Exercise is for making you stronger, not losing weight. If you are serious about weight loss, the ketogenic diet a form of paleo diet is the way to go. These are just guidelines. I don't believe in dieting, per se, but I try to eat for my health. And what I've found out from personal experience is that carbohydrates make you fat. period. Sugars and starches. In my adult frame, I've been down to 145 pounds and up to 212. Now that I've grown those extra fat cells I'm kind of like a bear, only in reverse. In the winter, when I don't work as much and go visiting my friends and relatives during the holiday season, I end up packing on 20 lbs. That's because of all the feasting that's going on. Lots of holiday candies, mashed potatoes, cookies, wine, breads and such. When I'm on my own and have my garden, I eat lots of meat (my son's a hunter) and green leafy veggies. Every so often I'll have some potatoes and maybe I'll bake a loaf of bread, but I don't go out of my way for carbs. I don't have much of a sweet tooth so sugar isn't a problem. My weight loss isn't intentional, but so far I've lost about 18 of my 20 pounds of overweight. And it's pretty much because I don't consume many carbs.

Here's another website I like: Green Med Info It's about all sorts of alternative medical studies including diets and it's backed by a huge PubMed type database.

As a young man logging, fishing, working hard, I could eat amazing quantities of food. Between 5 and 8 pounds of food a day. Suddenly that all changed at around 35. While I had decreased the quantities some while I worked jobs that weren't quite so physical, I could eat whatever I wanted until then and not spread out so. After 35 having 3 squares a day just made me fat.

About 10 years ago I ballooned up to 110 kilos, and I was but 5'8", so it was at least 20 kilos of fat. When SHTF, I grieved hard for about a month, and just didn't eat, and lost about 50 pounds.

Since then I have eaten whatever I want, but only once a day, and I'm about 5 kilos heavy. I've kept most of that 50 pounds off by not eating several meals a day, as somehow the metabolism of an old man works that way. It's not dieting, really, but fasting in between daily meals, I think, that keeps my belly but slightly bloated.

I do eat quite a bit of carbs, cuz my main method of cooking is to drop some roots into a crock pot, under a slab of meat, and grab a gob when I'm hungry. The roots tend to be starchy, and sometimes I'll have a bowl of sugar and heavy cream with a bit of cereal in it, so I don't lack for carbs.

A lot of days I'll just have a couple pounds of salad tho, so I guess it's kinda a paleo diet, except for the cream and sugar. Elk season lasts between 4 and 7 days hereabouts. When I was raising kids, I'd stuff a pocket with dried fruit, nuts, etc., and take off chasing Elk. When I came back empty handed, I'd be 20 pounds lighter. If I got an Elk, it'd be 25.

Elk are hard work.

Elk are hard work.

Yes they are, but so delicious that it's worth all the effort it takes. I'm not much of a hunter. I don't like to take a life. But that doesn't make me squeamish. I have no problem skinning, gutting, or butchering. I lived in a friend's cabin and he used to raise Scottish Highland cattle. Kind of yak-like long horned long haired beasts. When it came time to butcher, he'd put a bullet in one's head and I'd do the rest. I don't mind it a bit. My youngest son and his son are the hunters and fishers in the family. They keep me well supplied with wild game.

I also was a logger and I also ate incredible amounts of food. Loggers nowadays are often porkers. You no longer have to jump off your skidder 50 times a day and pull a mainline up hill to hook up chokers, or trudge over deadfall trees in two feet of snow lugging your chainsaw to cut them down. You sit in a climate-controlled feller-buncher and lay the trees down in a nice bundle where the grapple skidder can grab them and skid them down to the landing. No one gets out of their machines any more. Lots of jobs lost logging. I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the first "robot revolution" makeovers. If you can sit in a trailer in Utah and bomb women and children in Pakistan, you could also run logging machiney.

Lots of studies show that eating less makes you live longer. Everybody's metabolism changes at middle age. One good meal a day is all a person needs, really. Sounds like you've got it under control. 5k is no biggie. I consider my bit of blubber a survival pack for when things get nasty.

"I consider my bit of blubber a survival pack for when things get nasty."

I have often said the same thing =p

I think i'd rather work out for the wrong reasons, knowing there are some right reasons included too, instead of having my fat melted!

I just want my fat to melt LOL. I work construction, and while there is harder work, I am too old for it. My work is about all the working out I can handle.

your post made me smile lol upvoted, resteemed and following you already :-) Here's my list of staying-fit-exercise: 4 kids to run after and catch up with, a dog to walk and run with, 2 cats to chase out of the kitchen, a bunch of chicken and rabbits to haul food to, a veggie garden to tend to, a pasture of fruit-trees to harvest and tend to - climbing and cutting out branches inclued, a fire in the oven to carry wood to (hubby cutting it making sure of that one ;-) ) .... the list is endless in a way, but I guess everyone got the message. cheers from Germany

Sounds like you are working in AND out plenty to me!

I tell you! :-) wouldn't wanna have it any other way!

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