Bliss of Herbs-----ALOE VERA
Largely known as a potted plant,this thick fleshy green box of magic grows wild in tropical climate.It has a number of amazing facts to be shared with which can be effective in medication as well as so many others.Now-a-days as people have become more keen to herbal products and remedies,aloe vera is found in many consumer products i.e beauty products,juices,medicines,ointments for sunburnts etc.You will be happier to know that,you can grow it in pots,just at your balcony or kitchen garden with little care. !
For BEAUTY: Take some raw aloe vera pulp,freshly cut from the leaves and rub the transluscent gel on your face and around the neck.Keep it overnight and let it dry.See the "new you" next morning.You are going to have a toned,smooth and spotless skin with its consistent usage.
For HAIR: The aloe vera pulp is also highly appreciated in preventing hair fall,dandruffs,baldness.Massage it thoroughly on your scalp and wash it with mild shampoo.Its deep conditioning properties will certainly impress you.
For WEIGHT LOSS: Taking 30-60 ml aloevera juice daily in empty stomach increases metabolism and helps your body to detoxify.It helps your iner system to be healthy in and out which eventually blesses you with glowing and lustious skin and hair with fit body
For MEDICATION: Its a must have for diabetes patients.Aloe vera juice hydrates your body and it heals any kind of minor burnt issues,inflammation,sunburnts.Taking aloe vera juice decreases chances of insomnia too.!!
You may get plenty of brands which have number of products made of aloe vera...but for me it's always better to be NATURAL with NATURAL PRODUCTS.So plant it...and be blessed! :)
My wife and I spent a month drinking the Stockton aloe vera flesh and it was very beneficial health wise. I'd really like to try growing the Stockton variety but so far have not been successful. I think I live just a bit too far north. Great post!
Thanks a lot fr ur appreciation...yes,its very helpful in multiple ways...:)
Very informative post. Welcome to Steemit!!!!
Thank you...:)