in #beauty7 years ago

  1. Get organized

How many times have you found yourself in a mad panic to get out, but you can’t find that one beauty product that’s mysteriously disappeared. Throw out all those empty bottles, jars and anything that you haven’t used in months and de-clutter your makeup stash. Even if you just separate out the essentials and put them in one place, you will save some precious minutes in the morning.

  1. Forget false eyelashes

False eyelashes only damage your natural ones and they take ages to get on just right. When you take false eyelashes off, they can rip off your natural ones, which can take years to re-grow, if they re-grow at all. So, use false eyelashes only for special occasions or avoid using them altogether, apply two or tree coats of mascara instead, it will add volume and make your eyelashes look thicker. If you want to make your lashes grow longer and get thicker, apply argan oil on them every night before going to sleep, it will nourish your lashes and stimulate growth.

  1. Use light shades of nail polish or use shellac

If you use light pink shades on your nails, rather than darker colors, then the chips won’t show as badly, so you can go longer between repairs. Also try using shellac nail polish, it lasts up to tree weeks, it prevents nails from chipping and it’s a lot less damaging for your nails than a gel manicure.

  1. There’s no need to use face wash every morning

Wash your face and moisturize before you go to bed and your face will still be clean and fresh when you wake up. Just rinse it in some warm water and you’re ready to go. Washing your face with soap too often will only give you dry skin anyway.

  1. You don’t need to pluck every day

Plucking your eyebrows just a few times a week or even a month will suffice and you certainly shouldn’t be doing it every day. Over plucking will leave you with permanently thin eyebrows (which generally makes people look older) and plucking them every day is another massive time waster.

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