in #beauty6 years ago (edited)

I have previously stated on my profile I attended an all girls exclusive Catholic convent college in my secondary - years 7 to 12 - education.

A story I have only mentioned to a few people in private has to do with an end of year graduation type event/function/recital I facilitated in organising on behalf of the governing faculty, year 12 teaching staff, year 12 student parents and year 12 students.

In essence, my final year at secondary school had been such a wonderful and joyous experience due to the fact I couldn't have wished for a better student body of girls in addition to a more competent and facilitating teaching staff than I had in my final year. So much so, I organised an ensemble theatrical type stage production in which all the girls of my year participated as a means of expressing our gratitude and appreciation to the college governing faculty, year 12 teaching staff and student parents which was to be held at the community town hall on a Saturday night soon after our final exams.

Of course, since I was the most popular as well as dux of my year I both orgnaised as well as choreographed the entire event with assistance from the faculty, teachers and other students. And since the theme of the production had been centred around our parting company for the final time - farewell/goodbye to both students and teachers - I thought the perfect opening theatrical number should be choreographed to Phyllis Nelson's evocatively beautiful song Move Closer because of the opening lyrics:

Hey baby, you go your way
And I'll go mine
But in the meantime...

It was for no other reason than these opening lyrics did I choose this song which meant I had to choreograph everything around the slow intimate tempo of the song completely oblivious to any potential eroticism I may inadvertently imbue in the choreography, which is an indication of my lack of self-awareness at the time as to my own perceived pure natural beauty by other people. Naturally, I thought a pas de deux - dance for two - was the best option for which I and another girl - she a straight long haired blonde and me a straight long haired brunette - would perform as we were the best two dancers in the college. However, little did I know at the time when you have two buxom nubile young eighteen year old girls wearing hip high designed tight white leotards dancing by swaying their hips ever so slowly in synchronization and partial silhouette to an intimately passionate song as Move Closer the overall impression you achieve is a little bit more than your desired adorable and cute perception, as it would seem something of that nature instinctively registers in the minds of everyone - adult men and women alike - as pure eroticism. Even more so when the movements of the two girls were thought to have been so fluid and smooth people afterwards would describe their performance as sublime grace in motion.

In my previous post I published yesterday titled Excalibur - Lady of the Lake - Pure - Natural - Beauty I mentioned the phrase unique resonance in relation to pure natural beauty which correlates with what I have always stated I've been fundamentally about here at G+ with respect to beauty being the central theme. I've also mentioned I possess paranormal abilities that are quite separate from being able to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the netherworld. Subsequently, it never really mattered to me G+ was not the most popular social media site on the Internet; or did it matter to me what the number of people who followed me totalled; or the fact my most popular collection people independently followed was my Victoria's Secret collection; or the fact my profile had been shadow banned, my view counts throttled in conjunction with most of my YouTube videos having been placed in limited state as none of any of that was ever going to alter the outcome I was intending to achieve as that had already been destined by God Himself, who, despite possessing all the supernatural powers in the universe to fix things still prefers to rest on His 30AD - 33AD record of achievement, which He no doubt perceives as being only yesterday.

All of which goes to prove the folly of placing faith in a supernatural being to fix things who obviously has no concept of time as opposed to getting up off your ass in attempt of fixing things yourself. One of those pearls of wisdom you'd almost think came directly from God Himself - almost. In this respect, God can afford to be all loving and magnanimous in his attitudes as He perpetually operates on universal vacation time whereas I'm restricted to operating on local biological clock time, which means I'm naturally never satisfied with anything I achieve no matter how successful it has been. It is for this reason I am simply going to leave things here at G+ - as incomplete as they are in my mind - with this post as my farewell tribute to everyone in conjunction with the image depicted in my next and final post.

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