Stepping Into the ‘LimeLight’ – Why I Joined LimeLight by Alcone

in #beauty7 years ago

The article below was written by me, and originally posted on the Cedar Rapids Marketplace as an info article about one of our local business owners. I enjoyed sharing Cindy Lee’s enthusiasm for the products, though I never thought that I too would fall in love with the products just from the samples she had given me.

Please see an update at the end about why I joined LimeLight by Alcone after my interview with Cindy.

Cedar Rapids Area Woman Steps Into the ‘LimeLight’

In her early 60’s, Cindy Lee may not be your typical direct sales consultant, but the beauty company she represents, LimeLight by Alcone, is anything but typical. After she retired early from her career working in the federal government, Cindy was happy to be taking care of her youngest daughters and aging parents. She had never intended to get back into business, especially the business of direct selling in the beauty industry. However, a reluctant trip with her sister to “try out a new makeup line” turned into an opportunity she just couldn’t pass up.

Read on to learn how Cindy found meaning and purpose through direct sales:

How did you fist discover LimeLight by Alcone?

We were having a garage sale one afternoon when my sister kept talking about this new makeup line that she wanted to try. I decided to go with her, although I knew I’d only be interested if they were natural products (we had a lot of cancer in our family). We packed up the garage sale early, and my mom, sister, and I went to a distributor’s home to try it out.

Was it a scheduled makeup party that you attended?

No, it was at the home of someone we knew, and we just came to try the products. I was actually kind of excited because I had a date with my husband that night and I thought, “She’s a makeup artist, and she can do my makeup for me so I can look great for my date.” I was disappointed though because she wouldn’t do my makeup for me. She wanted me to do it for myself. So there I was with this little mirror, putting on the makeup, and when I finished I asked my mom and sister how I looked. They said, “Cindy, you look amazing!”

Now, let me tell you that in all of my years I have never had anyone tell me that my makeup looked amazing. When I got done using the products I got a feeling that every woman should feel. In our culture, we tend to beat ourselves up – not pretty enough or thin enough – but this makeup made me feel different, and the skincare was all natural. Right then and there I knew this was something that I wanted to be a part of and share with everyone I knew, so I joined the company.

Tell me more about LimeLight by Alcone and it’s history.

LimeLight by Alcone has been in the beauty industry for 60 years. They are a family owned company and have 10,000+ products that professional makeup artists use on movie sets, television, and the runway. The professional makeup comes in such large quantities, that when the makeup artist’s clients wanted to buy it or take some home, they had to refer them somewhere else. So really, it started out as a way to help makeup artists to earn more income, but now it is also about getting the everyday woman to have access to professional makeup and skincare.

What is it that you love about the products?

These products are truly amazing. LimeLight by Alcone skin care products are all natural, paraben free, and leaping bunny certified. As a consumer of the product I love how they feel. My favorite makeup would be the foundation. It really leaves almost every skin flawless. I have a client that has Rosacea and she had never found anything that worked for her. It was very debilitating, actually. She loves how she looks now. If you can help another woman feel good about themselves, then that is what this is about. I am pleased to give others the feeling that I first got when I tried these products.

What do you love about the company?

The most important part to me is the culture. I think direct sales has gotten a dirty little name at some point, probably because of an old acquaintance that was telling you to “Have a party. Have a party.” LimeLight by Alcone is not about that. I have met so many incredible women through this company. They are mothers trying to stay at home with their children or retirees wanting extra income. If a friend of yours opened up a boutique store, would you visit it and support them? That is what this is. It is their actual business that is providing income for their families. I just don’t know those pushy people I’ve heard about.

I love that our CEO is about positive culture, empowering women, and having integrity. LimeLight IS NOT a direct sales company that got into the beauty industry, IT IS a beauty company with 60 years of experience that has started a direct sales line. They’re taking direct sales out of the shadows and are making it prestigious. It is built differently, marketed differently, and focuses on collaboration over competition.

Can you tell me more about the skincare line?

We have so many great skincare products made from natural ingredients- cleansers, moisturizers, anti-aging products, masks, body care. Forty Cure has amazing healing properties, and One Drop Wonder repairs damaged and aged skin cells and improves many common skin issues. My daughter had pretty bad eczema, and while you can’t cure eczema since it’s an autoimmune disease, she was able to use these two products to get off of her medication.

One Drop Wonder is actually made right here in Iowa! It contains just one ingredient, pomifera oil that is cold compressed from the seeds of Osage apples also known as hedgeballs.

(Author’s note: For all of us Iowan’s, you’ll appreciate this story directly from LimeLight by Alcone’s website– One of our LimeLight leaders from Iowa was telling our CEO, Michele Gay, about this amazing hair oil that comes from the Osage Orange seed. These seeds are found in green hedgeballs that seemingly carpet Iowa in the fall. She mentioned that a chemist she knows was able to cold-press the oil so that it can be extracted free of chemicals. Out of curiosity, Michele reached out to the chemist to find out more about his oil. What she discovered was even more amazing then anticipated. His research proved that the Osage Orange oil, also known as Pomifera Oil, is an exceptional beauty discovery. It is so beneficial to your skin we could fill dozens of pages, as many scientists have, outlining its benefits. It is full of super antioxidants, rich in Omega-6, and UV protective. It repairs damaged and aged skin cells and helps heal many common skin issues, including rosacea. The improvement this incredible oil produces is immediate and truly impressive.)

I am also very excited that on June 1st we launched a new men’s line with some great products for men that moisturize and regenerate new skin cells. Men might not say it out loud, but they don’t like aging just like the rest of us. (These can be ordered in time for Father’s Day.)

How have you seen your skin change since you’ve been using LimeLight by Alcone?

My skin is so much healthier. Not too long ago I saw an old co-worker at the store. It took her a minute to recognize me, but when she did she said “Cindy! You look great!”. I saw an email from her later when I got home and she said, “I don’t know what you’re using, but I need to have it.” She started out as a customer then later joined LimeLight, as well. Another individual I ran into and remarked that I looked ten years younger than when I met her (and I had met her ten years prior to that). So, needless to say, everyone notices the difference. When you’re young, many of us can get by with products from a typical big box store. As you age or if you have any skin problems, that’s when need to look at something else.

There was a recent partnership announced, can you tell me about that?

It is still very new so we do not know all the details as of yet, but L’Occitane is an international natural product company with over 2700 retail stores around the world. They are family operated as well, and they were impressed with our company. It is two families coming together, and this is the first time that a major beauty brand is partnering with a direct sales company. The partnership will help with international distribution, tapping into warehouses, and additional resources.

What kind of training does LimeLight have for its sellers?

The training and development is incredible. There is daily training online for new people coming into the business. There are trainings on product info, makeup application, presentations, compensation plan, and more. Really everything out there. We also have something called 360thrive which is a regional training led by Field and Sales Director Jacob Hyzer and the Founders Madison Mallardi & Michele Gay and Executive Leaders and Ambassadors. They talk about the company and culture, provide training by executive leaders, share stories, discuss social media, show how to run the business, and teach how to work with teams.

Most importantly, it is not how to sell more- but how to grow as a person. Honestly, everyone that has joined the company says this is truly different than anything they’ve experienced before, and many of them have come from other direct sales companies.

If someone reading this is interested in pursuing LimeLight as a business opportunity, what would you want them to know?

First of all, I would say “Let’s talk”. I’d want to know their reason for wanting to start the business. Is it just to get discounted products? If so, I would have them take into consideration the startup kit ($169), the monthly website cost ($9.95), and the annual member fee ($75). But, if they are interested in pursuing this as a business opportunity then I would love partner with them to train, support, and help them every step of the way. What is great about this business is that it really can be anything that a person wants it to be. As an Ambassador of LimeLight, this is a full-time job for me. I spend time working in the business for my customers and for my team, and in sharing the company culture.

If anyone is interested in trying out LimeLight products, what should they do?

Give me a call or send me an email. I am happy to set up a time to meet and share the products one on one in the privacy of your own home. For many of us, taking off our makeup isn’t necessarily what we want to do in front of a large crowd. I want you to do your makeup (just like I did), try new colors, see what you see, and feel what you feel. If I have samples of skincare products I am happy to send along with you as well.

You can go to my page and get all of my contact info, visit my LimeLight by Alcone website, read about the products and their amazing properties, and order directly on the website when you’re ready.

Any final words that you want others to know?

I want people to see LimeLight as different. I want to help people feel more confident and realize how beautiful they really are! ~ Cindy

Cindy Lee LimeLight by Alcone Cedar Rapids Marketplace

Closing notes from the author:

I have to say that meeting with Cindy Lee was a pleasure (and I don’t have to say that). She was poised, well-spoken, and passionate. Never once did the feeling come across that she was merely in this business because of what it could do for her. She is passionate about what the products (and the company) can do for other people’s lives. That is a true leader.

And lastly, I too have eczema and am very allergic to most makeups and skincare products. I am very hesitant to try anything new because I have been burned (quite literally) by many before. Cindy left me with a sample bag full of skincare products to try. I’ve used a few of them for almost two weeks now and… no burning, itching, redness, or otherwise! In fact, my face is clearing a from the usual red blotches and dry flakes.

I was so impressed with the products, that I too joined Cindy Lee in the direct selling of LimeLight by Alcone. Let me break down the reasons I decided to do this, because even though it was a quick decision, it wasn’t taken lightly.
Why I joined LimeLight by Alcone after my interview:

  1. I too was not looking for ANOTHER business. I have a few that I’m already managing. However, these products are helping me. They are healing my face from it’s dryness and eczema, and the makeup has such great coverage. I can’t not use them, and I can’t not tell people about them. Therefore, I might as well earn money while doing it.
  2. Other direct sales companies are so saturated with consultants. This company is relatively new. With the quality of products they have, that outshine so many competitors, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a household name, and I want to get in now rather than wish I did later.
  3. Because I’ve been around the block now with a few different businesses, there are a few things that direct sales has in benefits. I like the fact that I do not have to create the product itself or the marketing materials. I don’t need to manage the website or ship the products. All I do is use the products and share them with others. I can do that.
  4. Finally, I like the fact that makeup and skin care are consumable products that people will need to keep repurchasing again and again. If I compare this to hair bows, for example, my clients eventually grow out of hair bows. I have to keep finding and acquiring new ones, only to have them last as a customer for a few years. I also need several styles to keep them coming back for more. In comparison, once someone falls in love with this makeup and skincare (which they will) they will be a lifer. As women we’re always going to wear makeup and try to take care of our aging skin. Good quality makeup and skincare isn’t a fad. It’s good business.

So, if you are interested in joining me, Cindy and others that have already discovered these products, we’ll be delighted to show them to you. If you want to check out more about the products or the company, visit my LimeLight by Alcone website to learn more.


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