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RE: Beauty Standards of 2016 - Kardashians, Instagram and Diet Teas

in #beauty8 years ago

Very interesting. I'll be the first to admit that while I find Kim attractive, I don't think she is one of the most beautiful people.

I don't really think any of the Kardashians are good role models. (business savvy yes, but I would not want my daughters or niece to emulate their lives at all).

I think you are very pretty @ms.steemit and that you question your own beauty is telling of how flawed the modeling business has made people feel.

Some of my friends who I find most attractive are the ones who who find themselves to be unattractive.

I don't understand the appeal of Kylie and Kendall and some of the others as much, but I know they know how to market themselves, and fame does a lot for their business.

I am also glad more natural looks have become the "beautiful" standard. Watching documentaries of models starving or purging to get the perfect body that they see in magazines made me feel angry at how young girls are being targeted at vulnerable ages.

It sounds cliche but the older I get the more I care about personality and the less I care about looks. Yes attraction is still important, but apps like tinder and the like are much less interesting to me now that I am a bit older. If someone can't hold a conversation but they are beautiful, I tend to leave them be.

Thanks for sharing this! You do a great job with your posts.

And I was just talking with someone about her eyebrows being on fleek the other day :)


Thank you very much for taking your time to read and giving your opinion.
I agree with the part that especially Kim K is an incredible business woman and understands marketing and appealing to the mass, but that the role model part that comes with it is a problem for future generations, as we can already see the effect it has on really young girls who are all over social media at 14 years old objectifying themselves with the hope to look like their idols. I'm glad you see that as well !

I far more respect people like you who offer a lot of great advice as well as beauty tips and fashion. If it were not for a famous father and an infamous ray j tape, Kim would probably not be in the spotlight at all.

If you were to come out with your own line of beauty products (Maybe you have) I'd be much happier having people look up to a successful businesswoman like you who offers more to the world than all the Kardashians combined :) (Again that's my personal opinion and if tv ratings are any indicator of public opinion, I'm in the 10% that feels the Kardashians shouldn't be famous / making millions). But that is the beauty of free market. Anyone has the chance to be successful if they can find a niche or market their product in a way that drives sales.

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