Biological Anti-matter

in #beauty6 years ago

To build up the formal matter on the outside in consonance with one's desire/intention, one must build up internally one's own energy system - one must accumulate biological anti-matter which begets consequently in the world it's proper equivalent and opposite in matter. Existence is infinitely intelligent and looks perfectly after itself. Nothing needs to be done to attract a partner whatsoever - as that union will be ruled and regulated by the infinite wisdom of existence - to bring two beings together as one being begetting a reproduction of itself in the birth of a new being. The immediate factness of existence is the same as your desire to love, to cherish, and enjoy the beauty that shines out of the invisible existence like lightrays refracting off the glistening surfaces of diamonds. This beauty shines forth forever and ever, in you and in me, and in everything. The perception of the beautiful is worth every kind of suffering to endure in order to realize and behold the true imageless image of the Eternal, ever present, pervading and self regenerating.

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