Beautiful Sunday - Family hike
Today is Sunday - the day which I and my wife @shady traditionally spend with my wife with our daughter, Darynka. Last week we went to the city to the amusement park, and today we decided to take a walk and went on a hike. Of course, this hiking was short-lived, because our little daughter is still not able to overcome long distances and she often tired (some of the road I carried her on her shoulders), but once we go on a longer journey. Meanwhile, I want to share with you a few pictures of how we spent our #beautifulsunday!
Сьогодні неділя - день, який ми з дружиною традиційно ми проводимо з нашою донечкою Даринкою. Минулого тижня ми їздили до міста в парк розваг, а сьогодні ми вирішили здійснити прогулянку і пішли у похід. Звичайно, цей похід був нетривалим, оскільки наша маленька донечка ще не здатна долати великі відстані і вона часто втомлювалась (частину дороги я ніс її на своїх плечах), але колись ми вирушимо у більш тривалу мандрівку. А поки що я хочу поділитися з вами декількома фотографіями того, як ми провели нашу чудову неділю!
The child looks beautiful and looks very cute.
thanks a lot!
Their is nothing better then having quality time with you family. These are the times you can never buy, even if you pay millions. Keep it up.
thank you, I love my family very much and appreciate the time spent with them
Looks like the young lady is happy to be out.
I think so :)
What a beautiful day with your family! Such a blue sky, green vegetation, and that lake or river in the second picture sure looks nice, too. Happy spring!
Thank you, now the spring of truth is great!
What a lovely child!