Pink Delightful Sweetness - Beautiful Sunday

My Share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108

Craving for dessert or a snack we found this amazing place called The Pink Table. An ancestral Spanish colonization era architecture fused with modern, country, cuteness and pink a lot of pink. We do not see a lot of this combination of merging old and new especially highlighting with the color pink.



The restaurant welcomes you with hints of pink from the outside already. A pink bicycle greets you as you enter the place.



From the door way you would see right away pink tables and antique furniture and rooms also filled with antiques and pink. Once you enter you would feel that you are in an old early 19th century house but the ambiance is so bright with different shades of pink around you. I was amazed by the concept attracting both young and old customers alike.



They serve desserts and snacks. They also had pink burgers which I regret we did not try as were only planning for desserts. We chose our room and settled in to see what's on the menu.



They were serious in this concept and the chandeliers even had shades of pink


Accents and decorations also gave a country feel to the place. They probably went to a lot of places to get the correct accents for the place to emphasize the concept.


They had a small bell on the table when you are ready to order or if you need something. My daughter rang the bell to order our desserts.


This is the kitchen area and with still a lot of pink. While they prepare your dessert you would see that you are loved.


Here is our churros brought to us with a smile from the crew. Freshly cooked we had our sweet tooth ready.



Freshly cooked, crunchy with chocolate dip on the side.


We ordered shakes and frappe as refreshments. My daughter wanted the mixed berry shake and I ordered the frappe. While waiting I went around the place to get a couple of shots.



Mixed Berry Shake

Cool refreshing fresh mixed berries


Mocha Frappe


They also had waffles but they wanted the Smores skillet and some ice cream on brownies.


Smores Skillet

Oven roasted marshmallows on top of chocolate and some graham crackers. It's up to you to make up your sandwich.


Brownie A la Mode

Vanilla ice cream topped with cherry on a brownie


After having my fill I decided to go around and take more shots as I wanted to check the other rooms how they had it decorated.


I went outside to see more antique furniture presumably from the house itself. The spot outside was quite airy.



This was a delightful, sweet and pink experience that we had. A good quiet place to relax and enjoy some dessert. We had a great time appreciating the sweet concept this place had to offer.

Let me leave you guys with a little sweetness from us. Cheers!


Snake new.jpg


A nice cosy place for desserts on #beautifulsunday and I must add: Sweet.

Thanks my friend it was a sweet place indeed :)

you're welcome

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