
Thanks for stopping in @tattoodjay, I just love growing flowers, I really do get a rush when I see them bloom especially my roses. Outside shower is the bomb, the grandkids think so too. Have a great day

When I was young on the Uncles farm we used to visit most holidays and long weekends they had an outside shower, just with cold water, but i used to use it every morning when I got back rom my early run, I was younger then and the cold shower didnt bother me now with age i like nice warm showers :)

Right on @tattoodjay, cold water would NOT work for this "mature lady", but I love looking up at the sky while showering.

That is nice to do for sure but I don’t think it would work well where I live now with our backyard clearly visible from a busy road it needs a more rural area for that 😂

hey @TATTOODJAY, buy some dirt in Upstate NY put up a little cabin, enjoy the peace and privacy, it really is so cool, make it a weekender, it's worth the trip. Just sayin'

Well I hope to move in the next year or so, working things out now but most likely to MA

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