Beautiful Sunday- 美丽星期天- 健康山上行


今天天气多云,风大,较冷。在经过3 天假日后,我们终于有计划去树林里走走,散散心。

我们去了Misery山公园。那里有很多很不错的爬山路线。林中小径被黄色的落叶覆盖,很是柔软和宁静。耳边听到风的呼呼声和树叶/树木的沙沙声。 树林里非常的安静。偶尔可以听到远处小孩兴奋的声音。让你的身心得到充分的放松,同时又强壮了身体。

在一小时的走路后,来个半圆形烤乳酪馅饼如何? 好好地犒劳一下自己。真是美丽的星期天呀。

Today is partly cloudy, windy and chilly. After 3 days of holiday staying at home with family, we finally had chance to go out to the woods and relax.

My husband and I went to Mt. Misery Park, where there are a lot very scenic and good trials. The roads are covered by tons of brown leafs, soft and calm. You heard the breeze and the rustling from the trees and leafs, the whole park was quiet, you only heard some cheering from some young kids once in awhile from far distance, it's a great way to relax yourself after a busy holiday and enjoy working out.




And how about a delicious calzone after the long walk to treat yourself? It's indeed a nice and beautify Sunday.



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A nice relaxing walk for a #beautifulsunday

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