A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

A beautiful lily for a beautiful Sunday!


Welcome To My

Sublimely Beautiful Sunday


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


So my fun Sunday was a basically a work day as far as getting the kids up and hitting the hardware store for some goodies....like a bunch of plants.


I got some solar lights to go on the stairs so we can see when we get in from the boat, if I ever get that in... I am so far behind!


At the store, this guy was very friendly!


I figured out what I will be doing for Memorial Day


Only one problem, although today the weather was finally starting to warm a bit, it was also raining!


Just my luck! Oh Bother! I will go with the wet rat look lol.


Eventually the sun broke.


And I got a few things planted, finally! I worked till dark!!! I hope you feel bad enough for me to leave a generous upvote to help my aching muscles feel better!!


Have a great week!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. Now I must add that some of the shots I steal from my son Ben @silver314 , but I feed him so he can sue me lol.




Lovely blooms you show off. I especially like the purple with those water drops. Oh, so lovely.

It was quite the day you had and you got drenched! But, in the end, those plants looked nice!

Well done!!

Upped and steemed


Well I am stealing a bunch from your play book. I like the black chips and it is a work in progress. I will have to do an updated version for Sunday. I used to be an evergreen kind of guy, but u taught me how flowers are worth the trouble and I am putting some in there now! So thank you, Sunshine!

Yah dad victories! My back may get a little sore but the more I do now, the better it will look and the less I will have to do. I just love the kids getting excited over the process and the result.

Have a drink on me!

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Oooh, love the wet rodent look. So sublime for the day. Looks like you had some fun in the dirt. Nothing better to get you 'grounded' into spring. And I DO hope you brought a couple of those gnomes home to sit on either side of your front door. Kind of a Disney world welcoming committee on the OG doorstep. I can dream, can't I...
Your flower photos are gorgeous, expecially that first one. So good, it made me misspell it's descriptor ( :

Can you believe it is currently 45 degrees! I am about froze and I cannot wait to eventually sell and get to warmer weather. I am too old for this noise lol.

Ha haa, I can certainly relate. Used to love playing around in the snow. Now, it's a pain to drive in, and my fingers get cold. Whinge whinge whinge. Luckily we don't have as much as you. (As you can probably tell, as I write about snow for 7 months after a storm...). Hope you get to warmer climes soon. Though you have to go quite a ways south.

I love gardening! I spend my Sunday afternoons in much the same way! Great captures too!

Hey it is super cool to see you!!!

Ok sublime wet rat, I think your find for solar step lights is a good one and I'm on my way to find some too.

Oh, my aching back Have I told you about my hip, doing all this sitting and reading;););)

Some really beautiful and sublime shots here, Paul.


Loving this one:)

Ain't Spring grand :-)

Ah... the one that got in after Honolulu's Sunday.
At least you got the sun on your Sunday.

had a nice day. beautiful. enjoy your time. thanks for share.

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