A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

It MUST be Spring because

My neighbor got their boats in...

Mind you it was 30 degrees this morning!

This here Old Guy has NOT even thought about starting the dock yet...bloody overachievers LOL


Hey, Friends

Welcome To

A Beautiful and Sublime Sunday

I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

Like any proper beautiful Sunday would, my day started with a shave and a shower. Going Old Skool with the classic Polo for a change....Yep I have sadly been a fan of Polo since the early 80's!!! OMG before most of you were born LOL!

Twenty minutes at 425 yields this awesomeness...

I like it thick!

The face I make every time I find a ring!!


I had to get in a quick metal detecting hunt!


In case you missed it, @dswigle brings her wicked sense of humor and answers a few questions!!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!!

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Happy Beautiful Sunday and happy Sublime Sunday. A wonderful way to begin the week

Upped and steemsd Tip!

You are always so awesome and cool. You make Steemit a better place!

Those boats in the water have got me itching to go fishing! I grew up surrounded by the lakes in Northern Minnesota, and every year this time spring fever hits pretty hard.

Oh yeah its getting to be about that time!

Does spring means the waistline also spring? :-)

O yes! It's finally Springtime! Time to enjoy great weather :)

We had frost warnings in MN, and are supposed to hit 70 tomorrow. Mother nature is confused this spring!

Yep Michigan freezes us then dumps us right into Summer. 80 on Tuesday!

I will upvote and resteem your last blog post to my 36,000+ followers for free if you reply to this comment. Follow @a-0-0

Very good post friends @old-guy-photos
With the combination of natural panorama to the food make this post very interesting.
I love this post.

Heart attack menu. :)

Seriously, though, it's not the saturated fat alone but the combination of saturated fat and a lopsided ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in
today's diet with a lot of processed foods that's the real killer. At least that's my understanding (I'm not a specialist of any kind.) You and I are at an age when it would be prudent to look into this matter.

By the way, I liked the photos.

When the boats start entering the water you know it's spring. My dad put his in not so long ago- it's really something special viewing the spring landscape from a boat

Yes, Sir it has been a LONG winter!

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