A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

Well the lovely @dswigle always says there must be a flower...well I am happy to oblige.

My Rose of Sharon blooms better get a calendar because it was 39F when I took this pic today!


Welcome My Friends

To My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

Acting on the advise from the always correct @dswigle, I bought some of this with the intention on making some pulled pork.


So my day started at the ungodly hour of 7am. I was up and working to get a dry run on the pork and get it set in the oven for a nice slow roasting.

Proof of Dry Rub LOL



I then make some awesome cole slaw using some green onions from my window sill garden!!

You just can't beat free!


This what the slaw looked like, but was obviously missing something...

Got to have some paprika!! Hey I am 50% Hungarian, so I can't help it!


Looks good.


Let's see how tender it is!

Oh yeah baby, that's what Im talking about!

This is how my lunch looked...


Today was an awesome Sunday!! Hope yours was too.

I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!


Butt roast. Sounds fantastic.

That looks extra delicious with the slaw on top! Could you please push a little of that over here?

A pulled pork butt roast is yummy @old-guy-photos
Enjoy your weekend.

Nothing like having your butt roasted.


ha ha ..... hmmmmm

That piece of meat seems good enough to make Chinese roast pork.

It looks so yummy!! I'm gonna have to check to see what "butt"is going for here and possibly get some. 😉

Shoulder butt....................

I'm sure it was yummy. I haven't used a rub a lot, although I know a lot of people do. I have had some entrees that had too much rub on them though and the flavor overpowered the meat ! I am not sure how you know how much to use. I guess I need to study it a bit.

I love the "I 💛 Steemit sign in the sand with the wet fall leaves. Love it.

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