BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 - Trip to Jaco sacred island, East TimorsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #beautifulsunday7 years ago

This is my entry for the BeautifulSunday challenge, initiated by @ace108.

There's nothing better than making a trip to Jaco island in East Timor.


It's always amazing returning to a great sunrise, pristine turquoise sea, white sands, great snorkeling around the breathtaking coral reefs, delicious grilled fish brought by the fishermen... and sharing the peace and sacred environment you can breathe in the island.

jaco nascer do sol com  jaco sem arrastado.jpg

It's only you and nature. A must go while staying in East Timor. The roads are still in bad shape, but it's the price to pay for stepping into the paradise on Earth.

the price to pay-2.jpg

To know more about this challenge check out this link:

Photos: Jaco Island, East Timor.
08°25′08.9″S 127°18′31.4″E

I used my Canon EOS 5D MKIII.

I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks @ace108 :)

Have a great Sunday!



This is supercool! @nolasco Thanks! Followed...

Thanks kindly :)) for your comment!

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Here we go again - > Breaking News!

Check The Daily spotlights of 13 October 2017! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights

Dear Pix, october 13th spotlight made me NOT seeing Breaking News, lol. Thanks, my friend! detective @nolasco over and out ;)

hahahahaha :-)

The beach is so nice on a #beautifulsunday or other day.
Wonder if anyone work to comb it nicely.

No need, my dear @ace108. It's a desert beach <3. Thanks for the support :))

Que maravilha!!!. Fantásticas fotos e Jaco é sem dúvida um paraíso. Beijo grande, minha linda.

Ainda havemos de lá ir outra vez... Mil beijinhos, minha querida!

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