Happy Sunday..... With Cinnamon Toast .... and Nutmeg?

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago (edited)

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This morning I got up and 8:15. It's the weekend so I slept in a bit. Normally I get up feeling good and happy. This morning I was still happy, but I felt a little bleery eyed. Wonder why? A bit later I decided that maybe whipping up all the old pollen while clearing my front porch last evening may have my allergies in a small snit.

Then ZOOM! ...All of the sudden it was 10:30 already and I had done nothing but play in my net world, read Steem posts and .... that's about all. Time sure does fly when I sit down at my computer. All of the other things I could have accomplished, yet here I still am. 😄

I was about to have a cup of coffee and my mind flitted through my kitchen, the pantry, the frig, wondering what I might have fun to eat with it. Normally I don't have bread here, but some fine fresh tomatoes came to me this week and then I simply HAD to have some bread to makes sandwiches with and some was left.

It came to me that a piece or two of cinnamon toast would be nice, the kind Mom made us on occasion when I was growing up. So I went about making that happen.

First you take some bread, any kind you have, but maybe not hugely thick as the bread to topping ratio would be all wrong. 😉 .... slather it with soft butter.

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Then you put a layer of sugar.

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Then a generous sprinkling of cinnamon.

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While I had been looking for my open bottle of cinnamon, I came across my nutmeg. I love nutmeg, so comforting. I wondered what a piece of nutmeg bread would taste like. Maybe it would be good. How was I to know if I didn't try it, so I decided too. I was going to make two pieces anyway, why not make one nutmeg?

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I always keep some of both in my pantry, no particular brand.

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I cooked mine in a 300 degree oven and checked them occasionally to see if they were done. They are done when the toppings are properly melted into the butter and the edges of the bread show the lightest toasting.

5 checking the oven.jpg

It doesn't take long, it just seems that way after you have started smelling the warm cinnamon aroma wafting from the oven.

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I decided to try the nutmeg one first in case it was horrible. That way, the cinnamon piece would still make me happy in the end.

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I found, for my tastes, the nutmeg one had a pleasant, lighter flavor. One bite that had thick nutmeg, had a little bitter aftertaste. Fortunately, I had gone light on it, compared to the cinnamon one, just in case. I was glad I did. I can't say I liked it better than the cinnamon as that is the comforting flavor from childhood that I craved, but it would still be decent if that was all that was available.

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Finally, the yummy cinnamon. I did put a lot of cinnamon on it because I like it that way, but you wouldn't have too if you were making it. It also made the photo of the toast look kind of..... brown and dark. I promise though, it tasted better than it looked. 😁

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There you have it. I started loading my first photos while my toast was cooking. Now both pieces are gone and here I am..... still at my computer.

Wonder what I am going to do next. There are so many things I could and should do, but alas, I think my priority will be to go visit my Mom.

If I live, the rest of the things can be done later... right? If I don't, it won't matter that they didn't get done. Typing that made me laugh !

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

Love ya !


I made this post for YOU and ME.... .and for #sublimesunday hosted by @c0ff33a.... AND #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108


I slept in this morning for me that is I got up at 5:45 :)
I have never tried toast like that but now I am intrigued to try it

Oh My !

5:45 is what time I get up as my Monday through Friday routine when I am going to work. It's WAY to early....LOL

If you don't over toast it and make it hard..... it is pretty nice. Somewhat in an odd sort of way, like a breakfast pastry.... pastry being used loosely. For me of course, a flavor from my childhood, so it HAS to be good. :)

Yes flavors from our childhood will always remain special, mine is vegemite a Yeast spread most here hate it but i love it
Most days i wake at 4:15 I started doing that at 14 and now its my routine most days I wake before the alarm goes off

I like a cinnamon roll once a while but never have it in a toast before. Yours look a bit too burnt for my taste.😎

Well..... it really is not burnt, it is just the dark color of the cinnamon after it melted in the butter and sugar. That.... and probably the way my camera caught it. I promise it was not burnt. If it had been, I would have started all over.

Ah... the looks will have keep my hungry fingers away.

I haven't had that forever!

And the is one cool plate too!

I don't think about the cinnamon toast frequently, but since I had bread in the house, first I thought nice buttered toast, which eventually made me think of the cinnamon. MMmmmm

Thanks, it is my favorite dish design. I never had a full set, just bought bits and pieces and of course it is not being made anymore, so if I find a stray piece on ebay or whatever, they are asking a lot for it. Still, I enjoy the few pieces that I have. It's called Laguna. :)

I’ve had cheese in toast, beans on toast and poached eggs on toast - but never cinnamon toast - it does sound appealing though. I know what you mean about time getting sucked away at a computer, it happens all the time to me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's pretty tasty if you like cinnamon and sugar, not that one should have it every day, but it makes a nice weekend breakfast treat.

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