Sunday - supposed to be beautiful

Well, it is a beautiful Sunday. The only thing that is not beautiful is my health. Super bad cough. Fever came back. Whole body ache... 😓😕🤢🤒

Confirm it is not dengue though blood test. My white blood cells, haemoglobin and platelets counts are at the normal range.

So doctor gave me more meds...

So after taking medicines, I am off to bed. Hopefully I will wake up as good as new on Monday morning.

Signing off with love.

Posted using Partiko Android


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Damn, I hate cough. Hope you get well soon.

I hope so too

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope you are better now! Thank goodness it’s not too serious, but cough is bad enough along with aches and pains.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks... In the recovering process still... Coughing really does take time to fully recover... And because of the bad haze condition which makes it worse... But then I am almost back to my old self... The aches and pains are almost gone... I mean the unusual ones are gone... The normal back aches due to long hours of standing is always there...

Posted using Partiko Android

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