History of Sunday as non-working day

in #beautifulsunday7 years ago

Did you know that many cultures and religions consider Sunday as the first day in the week, not the last one?

We, the hard working people in western countries, or in those countries that tend to be a part of the western world, consider Monday as the start of our working week. Friday is the end of working week to the most of us, so Saturday and Sunday are considered as weekend (in my own case).

The organizing of working weeks and weekends also depends on influence of certain religion on some country.

For example, in Christian world, the Sunday is considered as non-working day, in Jewish culture their weekend ends on Saturday and in the Muslim world, they mostly celebrate Friday.

But in old mythologies and pagan religions, people were resting on the day when they celebrated the deity of Sun.

In Ancient Greece such a day was start of the week and not it's end. Ancients Greeks and Egyptians first had 7-days week and Romans took that system from them and gave the name to each of days in a week by the names of seven planets from Hellenistic mythology. Old Germanic peoples adopted their system but changed the names by their deities. In Slavish languages, names of days in week don't depend on names of old gods, but on their positions in a week.

I'll give you examples from my own language, Croatian:

Wednesday - Srijeda - Literally Middle, because it's in the middle of working week.
Friday - Petak - Literally Fifth day, and number said all in this case.
Sunday - Nedjelja - Literally "NO-WORK".

No matter where you are or which language do you speak, if you are a hard working person, you deserved to have your Sunday.

But in modern world, Sunday lost it's meaning.

Money became more important than resting. So today is Sunday, but I already visited shopping center and bought some things which means that today is not non-working Sunday. I'm one of those lucky guys who don't have to work on Saturdays and Sundays.

I was always trying to have more sleep than usual on Sundays and have some decent rest, but on Sundays I have the only opportunity to work some things around the house. But still, a day has 24 hours and I want to seize this day too spend it by relaxing with my family. And you should, too!

###Thank you!


world holiday sunday

It used to be unlawful to work on Sundays as everyone is expected to go to church. In England only fish and chips are allowed to be sold on Sundays and every other shop must not operate.

In Croatia almost everything works on Sunday, especially in summer

I don't believe that is the case any more. Grocery stores and other stores are open these days.

That was the history.

I believe that store openings in England have limited hours on Sundays still, based on store size. In some small communities in the west of Scotland nothing is open on Sundays still - no restaurants, not even Fish and Chip shops, but it's not a law that stops them in Scotland - just a choice! Until very recently ferry services did not run to some of the western isles.

Sunday has always been special to me. We dressed up neatly do our service and have lunch with grandpa and grandma. Good old days. The icing on the cake is a nice trip to a park with blooming flowers

Same here. We were not even allowed to play outside on Sundays when I was a child. Sunday dinner in Scotland (lunch) was always roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding and loads of veggies. We then had Sunday School in the afternoon and church at night! It was a day dedicated totally to God and family.

Growing up, nothing was open on Sundays. It was a time to spend with family and just enjoy having a day of no work. That is all gone in today's world as everything is open, people have to work, and even if you do have the day off, chances are you work 6 days a week so you have try and get things done on Sunday.

I used to live in Dubai for a couple of years and the week-end there was Friday-Saturday, everyone was back to work Sunday. I also know that in Saudi Arabia their week-end is Thursday-Friday which even more unusual.

Thanks, it's kinda confusing

Interesting! Didnt know that this is the case in some cultures! Most importantly, were resting today :)

No, it depends where you live.

I still think of Sunday as the first day of the week. I have never thought of Monday as being the first day of the week, only the first day of the work week. many small family operated stores here are still closed on Sundays.

Wow ! looks great ! I can't wait to be at the sea side. Thanks for sharing upvoted

Thanks for the comment

In Indonesia is also the same, although the majority of us Muslims ... but Sunday is a national holiday. Not Friday.

So this is why there's confusion enough that most calendars asked if you want to start the week on Sunday or Monday. I always thought Sunday was the day god rested according to what I know from the bible and so psychologically I put it as end of the week for me. just to end with #beautifulsunday.

The most important part here is... whatever the day it is, just use it to have some quality time with your family... the only thing you can't buy...

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