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RE: Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday - Khon Kaen Flower Festival 2019 !!

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago

I cannot imagine having a More Beautiful Sunday than you did! With only a quick little hop on the airplane and to be picked up by your most beautiful girlfriend, can life be any more perfect?

I would have to say that life is way way way perfect!

This is actually an amazing flower festival that I have never heard of. I know that because it is in Thailand you probably think that we have never heard of it, but the Keukenhof in Holland is world famous Ford's flower show. This is equal to the Keukenhof in so many ways! I love the view from the tower and the Beautiful tulips that decorate the lawn. Tell your girlfriend that I love her shirt with the cute little dog on it. Okay, to be fair but she is absolutely adorable. Why does she want to hang out with you again? Just kidding of course.

I can see by the map that they show off that it is quite a huge place. It looks really crowded but that's a good thing for a place that has a short-lived show. I am sure that this is a Gardner's nightmare when it comes to landscaping and planning how it is to be laid out. Can you imagine trying to put that all together? In fact, they have done such a beautiful job that everywhere you look it's like looking at a fantasy land. I am glad that you choose stopped for an appetizing breakfast although, you never did tell us what you had. I'm just going to guess that it was appetizing or very local and we wouldn't know what it was. What a perfectly beautiful day and the skies are blue in the tents were colorful. I love how you were able to get some beautiful Aerials of the entire park from on top of the tower. I loved the symmetrical plantings of the Palms.

The beautiful cyclamen in a whole different shades of pink really caught my eye as they are one of my most favorite flowers to see here in the states. In the spring, they're one of the first flowers up. I think I actually spotted some marigolds something beautiful yellow. And the pictures of you two laying down on the grass adorable and she's a cutie and you need to hang on to her. It wouldn't be a flower festival without the Tulips. The lilies and orchids are gorgeous end the dinosaur park made me laugh. You two look like you had a most Splendid time and I hope that you took more pictures of those gorgeous orchids. The sunset made the entire thing look magical and those clouds up against the tower more spectacular. And hello! I'm glad you had a good night!



I so enjoy reading your comment it's like your telling the real living story and all the complements are all so sweet i copied and pasted this comment and emailed it to my girlfriend she has been blushing all day and really thanks you for all your sweet kind words. She is my little cute angel and i am certainly hanging on to her and till this day it has been seven years with her and i still don't know what she see's in i must be doing something right...hehe :)

I am so happy that you loved all these beautiful flowers and i did take more then 1,000 photos but obviously i could not post them all and the majority of photos are of the amazing elegant Orchids.

Thank you so much again for your awesome comment the tip and the beautiful complements to my girlfriend :)

Serious;y? Seven years? And you haven't put a ring on it?? Tsk! Tsk! Call me old fashioned, but, after seven years, if you haven't decided forever and ever ... oh, don't make me say it. (says the mother in me)


She is adorable and if she makes you happy, which is so obvious, I would want to take her home and make her my wife. Before someone else does. :) Did I just mind your business??? Oh, yes I did!

I think the thing that scares me is i knew my ex-wife for 14 years had lots of great times together we then decided to get married it lasted 3 years and we were divorced so maybe that's what is holding me back if i marry her i might lose her does that say right maybe not but we are happy to be the way we are at the moment :)

I totally get what you're talkin about, but I think what happens is you get so used to living that way that that is the way you are comfortable. I sometimes think that when you make the jump earlier you find yourself used to being together as a married couple whereas when you string it along for years and years and years you get used to living apart and that is what makes it comfortable. That is your comfort zone and perhaps you have found it.

Yes there is logic to that comfort zone but really i would like to come home and have someone there i can give a big hug and feel comfortable just never know my honeymoon might be in Washington DC :)

That would be so cool!! :)) and yes! There is sonething comforting about that.

Stand-by for updates...hehe :)

Oh!!! You know I will!!!! ;)

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