in #beats7 years ago (edited)


The title of this song comes from two previous songs I did in a series I called "Intergalaktik", titled Slime Brains and Doom Lords. The instrumentation of this song is similar to Slime Brains, and has the heaviness of the song Doom Lords. So I combined the titles lol.

This song is in 6/4, which I sometimes don't like writing in, as it can wind up being kind of cheesy unintentionally. The chorus parts (where the heavier, louder bass comes in) is still in 6, but the flow of the drums makes it feel like 4 with an added 2, which is a groove I like a lot.

The song is in G minor, and the basic verse progression is || Vi, i, III, Vii Vi, III, iiDim, V :|| The chorus is VI, VII, I (major I, using the parallel major here, which has a nice effect), and IIImin6. I was trying to write parts that had a feeling of resolving to the i or I, but without starting or ending any measure using the tonic, which is sort of an easy way out when it comes to pop chord progressions.

The ending of the song is as follows: || Eb, D, G, Ab (back to G) | Eb, C, D--- | Eb, D, G, Ab (back to G) | A, Bb, C--- :||
The end of the second measure, the A, Bb, C part is kinda interesting in that it feels like it modulates a little bit since the previous measure has the Ab in it (the flat ii in Gmin), but the follow measure goes to A natural, giving it almost a C dorian feel.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy!



Moody beats. That distorted bass gives it some serious edge. I like the intricate chord progression, reminds me a little bit of the Yoshimi album by Flaming Lips, that kind of pretty yet edgy electronic thing.

Nice dude!

Thanks man! I love that album, appreciate the compliment. I was definitely trying to avoid just a basic four chord structure, I love how much difference it can make just adding a little dissonance here or there to break up that monotony.

I kinda lie this track; The street hammer at the back with variations in the frequency makes the track pretty weird and dark-ish.

Thanks! yea I like that sound too.

hahahaha, otherwise you would not have included it into the track LOL :)

haha I suppose that is true.

I really enjoyed this especially the drum 🥁 beat, very woofer and strong even in mobile phones speakers 🔊.

Thanks @grapthar

Thanks I really appreciate it! Yeah kick is super bassy haha.

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