in #beats7 years ago


Here's a song I did last night at my friend's house on Ableton. It initially started with the drum kit, and I loved the sound of the kick and snare. Reminded me of like, Skinny Puppy style industrial, or something NIN-esque. Super heavy, MadMax Fury Road kind of kick drum haha.

The drums stay pretty damn simple the whole time, just kick-snare-kick-snare, but then the hihats come in adding some really cool syncopation to it, giving it a much more rhythmic feeling. During the chorus, or B part, there is an additional synth hi-hat on the 16ths making it feel much more driving and intense.

The basic form of the song is AABAABC.

The A part synth is the basic melody, playing in C min, but using a lot of notes out of the scale to make it really dark. || C, Db, C--, F, Gb, Ab, F :|| So the Db obviously is dark, the flat 2 sounds that way even without any harmonies. The progression then essentially moves up a fourth, sort of temporarily modulating to Fmin but not really, playing F, Gb (the flat 2 in F), and Ab (which could be the III in Fmin, or the Vi in Cmin).

The B part modulates to Gmin, which based on the little Fmin riff is a pretty reasonable modulation. It is as follows: || G, Bb, F-- G, Bb, F--- Eb, F, Db ||
All of that fits into Gmin except the Db, which is the tritone of Gmin, but ALSO the flat 2 in Cmin, making the modulation back into the A part super smooth. I was pretty proud of this in a theoretical sense haha.

The final part, the C part, is just the basic drum rhythm with no hi-hats (initially), and a Tuvan throat singing sample that I just screw with the tuning of (raising it up 3 and down 3 octaves). The 16th note synth hihat comes in the 2nd time around, and the song fades out.

Hope you guys enjoy this one!



Nutty track yo!

I like it! I can picture an eight inch snail cruising to it. :)

Haha! Thanks, appreciate the listen.

Heres a music video for it.....ready? here it goes...
Play the song and behold!


Hahahahah oh man, this is incredible. Thank you for this.

I like that break down in the middle.... Thats when the GIF gets serious!

Haha perfectly timed.

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