E-steem & Awakening in the Age of Aquarius: A Blast from the Past To Now - Introducing Myself

in #beatles7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time there was a little girl born in Greenwich, CT. On February 16, 1964, my mother found herself very pregnant, and, twisting to the Beatles who were performing for the second time on the Ed Sullivan Show. On February 17th at 7:15 am, I emerged from her womb ready to rock.

Here George, Paul and Ringo are getting ready for my 0th birthday party, rehearsing for the Ed Sullivan Show, on February 15, 1964. You can read about it here. Talk about short shorts, George and Ringo look like they’re wearing their skivvies ;)


Here are the fab four hangin with Ed, getting ready to make my mother shake and shimmy me all the way into the birth canal and out the other side of that wombful adventure.


So basically, I was a Beatles Baby. We grew up learning all the songs. I believe I may very well know 90-100% of the words to 90-100% of the songs. Especially, Rockie Racoon. That was always one of my oh so favorites to belt out at the top of my Ringo-esque voice. Little me was clearly ready for the game ;)


Equally fun growing were the then debuting shows of Monty Python, Benny Hill, and Saturday Night Live. This may have to do with my odd sense of humor and occasional comedic videos. Since I’m also a code-bearer and spiritual wisdom keeper, I figure we ought to rock the world into wakefulness with humor as well as esoteric spiritual transmissions from the Lineages of Light ;)


Eventually, I also fell in love with Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Earth, Wind and Fire, and so on and so forth. Of course Janis Joplin was another favorite artist I would sing covers for in the privacy of my own bedroom, along with Aretha Franklin. I often daydreamed about being one of Elton John’s back up girls. I also loved to sing Cat Stevens songs with my mom at the piano I never quite learned to play.


The Age of Aquarius was not lost on me, though I wasn’t sure what it all meant at that age. However, my earliest memory is at age 3, when I remember being so ecstatically joyful about communicating directly with my God, asking God to perform acts I desired! Somehow, I came in with a powerful sense of the Law of Attraction and our natural reality connected to and at one with what some call God, others call Source, Love, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Jesus, Allah,and many other names.


My second most relevant memory was at age 7, when I would lay in bed at night and perform energy work on myself. I would imagine raking an etheric screen through my aura to clean and comb it free of debris from the activities and interactions of the day.

Awakening to the multidimensional holographic nature of reality wasn’t always easy in 3d 19th century America. However, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. One boyfriend at age 16 said, “Who are you?? At one second you seem to have absolutely no worldly common sense whatsoever, and the next moment, you are transforming my consciousness with wisdom that is coming from I don’t know where…” LMAO!!! He was quite perplexed. I must admit, worldly common sense has long been a project and the main reason why my main prayer has been for wisdom. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Foreshadowing: Getting understanding also comes into play as the story progresses.

And also around age 16, I started doing yoga in my room (Lord knows how I came across a yoga book as a teenager in 1980); eating whole wheat pasta and vegetables (to my family’s dismay); and creating a process I called “Writing It Out.” I knew I was going to be screwed up from the chaos in my dearly departed parents’ familial home. With all due respect and total love for these two brave creative and loving spirits, they did not have the luxury of personal growth experiences, and spiritual wake up calls, that graced me from an early age. My parents had been besieged by compounded momentum from negative ancestral patterns, difficult life experiences and addictions, thus evoking Law of Attraction that innocently brought them more of the same. And they had no known way of escape. I'm pretty sure this was the actual yoga book I used:


My unusual “spiritual” experiences at a young age were not isolated. In fact, they became more and more consistent from 16 onwards. By 18, I was having visitations from famous spiritual beings, and the earth began to speak to me. I became very disgruntled by God and Jesus in my early twenties, wondering WTF was going on that they would allow the ravages that have occurred on the earth plane. Shortly thereafter, I realized it was not the fault or intention of the Divine, but the fallen state of human beings that was responsible for the horrors. I began to make peace with it all, and became ravenous for spiritual knowledge from cultures around the world.


Little did I know that this moment of realization would set the stage for much of the learning about the workings of the universe, that were to come.

In my twenties, I began to attract teachers. I was consistently the youngest one at workshops of every kind imaginable for healing, awakening, and esoteric knowledge. I worked at a Native American Store, and sold a gazillion copies of The Celestine Prophecy. I remember the powerful time of the Harmonic Convergence, and I was attending many sweat lodges at that time, along with learning energy healing, spiritual healing, and having more direct experiences with the Guides who would let me know when they were cleaning out one or more of my chakras.


Meanwhile, a few years earlier, I had also earned a degree at The American University, where I re-started American Literary Magazine, which had been defunct since the ‘60’s. I felt like I was in the 60’s sometimes at AU, as Abbey Hoffman came to visit; I was the photographer at the South African Embassy protests; and ended up working for Greenpeace after college in the downtown DC office, as a canvasser.


During that time and shortly thereafter throughout my twenties, I was studying everything from Soul Clearing to Reiki to advanced esoteric spiritual secrets, I was ravenous for knowledge, and praying for wisdom ~ as I realized I had a lack of it that had gotten me into several sticky wickets. By 1994, I had been working with a Taoist Master, and wrote my first book during a 4 year period of celibacy. It was called, “Return To Center, That Address Now Known,” as a tribute to one of my fav Spirit Guides, Elvis ;) I sold 3000 copies by myself and had a blast learning about book publishing. I have known since that time, that writing is one of my main agendas for this lifetime. The guides often told me that I would be writing modern day translations of direct esoteric transmissions, a sort of “practical spirituality” series for the modern day reader.

I also spent time working in the film industry, learning traditional thai yoga massage, and becoming an event producer in the raw living foods space.

Now the books are here, and the first series is two-thirds complete. You can see the four titles currently out at Amazon.com here. I call these books Transmissions, as bringing them through is kind of like being on a cell phone call and taking dictation from God (or Source - whatever you prefer to call the Ineffable Suchness that animates all, pre-exists all, and to which all return). These books are specifically designed to offer “understanding,” or as I like to call it, “comprehension” on the path of figuring out WTF is happening on the planet, in the universe, and inside ourselves as “aspects” of the Divine.

Divine Mother, Divine Father, Source, the Star Elders… they talk, I listen, and write. You could call me a kind of Spiritual Translator Device. I suppose I have done this in other lifetimes, as the spiritual name that came to me from a man dancing to no music in the field between the Bioneers programs in 2006. He pulled it in, and a Vedic Astrologer confirmed it is accurate to my birth chart according to ancient eastern wisdom traditions. He was quite surprised and saw that my intuition was spot on for being able to pull that off. Chireya means “orator and scribe for the lineages of light” among other things in a variety of languages. So, there you have it.

Over the years, I have moved through many regular householder life experiences, birthing gorgeous babies, being humbled and regaining self esteem many times over, and being a producer of events (thanks to my earlier work in the movie, documentary and commercial film industry).

Before, during and after that multi-year adventure, The Great Law Aback All Things, as the Guides call it, has gotten my attention for over 25 years, as my main passion. I figure, if the Universe is designed such that we magnetize experience to ourselves, through our thoughts and vibrations, why, that oughta be Step 1 in any endeavor, and especially beginning in pre-school!

Do Step 1 First.
Raise Your Vibration.
It Works When We Work It.

This all revolves around comprehension of the spiritual workings of the universe, for without comprehension, we are but “looking through a glass darkly.” But now is the time when the mystery teachings are being demystified, and more and more of humanity are raising their awareness, to the place of self realization - knowing the God and the Divine within Themselves.

Thanks for reading :) I'll be posting here to help us re-steem our self-esteem and raise our vibrations through the power of unconditional love.

Sometimes I make art, stuff like this, and I'll share more with you here on Steemit too. Let me know if you like it. :)


Please feel free to correspond with me if you feel you are writing about things I will find valuable and intriguing, interesting, or fascinating.

May the Force be with you, may humanity realize its full awesomeness, and may we turn the tides leveraging our innate though somewhat hidden superpowers. (I feel we can do it. It’s so crazy, it just might work...)

Yours in Alignment,


P.S. If you enjoyed this post, and want to support my work in the earthly planes & digital worlds, please consider following me and up-voting (maybe even re-steeming) this post.



Welcome @chireya I'm following you now. I'm captivated by your post. It's really a very good start in here. I know and I believe you will do good here in steemit. Please do remember me when you get really really rich here in STEEMIT. God bless! I'm @joshvel your new friend.

Thanks @joshvel that is really sweet of you to say! I look forward to discovering my way here and sharing in meaningful ways. Going to check you out now. :)

You did it, Chireya 👏👏! It was worth the read and I'll be looking out for more 🙂

thank you @elementm i have a couple good coaches!

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Thank you! I didn't know there were badges, that's fun :)

Youre num 1 bestselling author in which book

Thanks for asking :) Fall In Love with the Beloved Within reached #1 during launch on Amazon :) https://www.amazon.com/Fall-Love-Beloved-Within-Source/dp/0990749835

Welcome to Steemit! This was a great post. Thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you future work! I think you might like my work as well so feel free to take a look sometime.

Whatever else shimmering threads upon the loom Chireya, we too were at Bioneers in 2006 {besides multiple other years from their very early days to now :) }

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