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RE: "Lightyear Wireless" by Nowhere Near (electro-acoustic Space Music video)

in #beatbattle7 years ago (edited)

Oh, thank you again. I was so pleased with the way it turned out, I actually change time signature a bunch of times, from 4/4 to 5/4 to 6/4 to 7/4 back down to 4/4, each sequence/chord change has its own time signature except for the first two and the last two sequence/chord changes ...

For the sequence I was trying to mimic the old fashioned analog sequencers, good for usually just a bass line (one note monophonic) and not necessarily in sync with anything else going on, depending on how tight the analog is tuned and it always drifts with temperature and certainly over time, funny thing about electronics, particularly analog.

Heh yeah, thanks for pointing that out the violin does get kind of ethereal somewhere into the seventh minute, before that mostly just following the analog synth tracks ...

..and thank you again for the warm words of welcome, it's a great pleasure being part of this fantastic community!

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