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RE: "Sand" by Nowhere Near by One Media® (Downtempo Ambient/Electronica Acid Jazz streaming mp3)

in #beatbattle6 years ago

Hell Yeah, he was and still is Da Man! Man I wanted to play like him LOL Ain't no touching that talent tho, true one a kind genius. There is no comparison, using a real live instrument to play music with, and all electronic... gimme a guitar or a piano! LOL Nothing beats that live feel, where your body can feel the vibe and warmth of the music happening. But I do love the electronic too, and when ya mash em together great things are possible.


Greats like Jimi, one can get so close, but still not quite relive it, more work at it only yields diminishing returns... I was never able to get too close of a replication to any other work, like those tribute bands that 'sound just like the record'. Me? nope, just get most of the notes then go off on making it 'my own' ;-) With greats like Jimi way too far to get close for even the most disciplined tribute minded ... Robin Trower? Stevie Ray Vaughn? still, close, but not quite there ...

Same here, ya try and emulate your musical heroes, and at some point ya move on and do your own thing. :-) Yeah to Stevie and Robin, dam fine musicians. And we got Vai, Satriani, Lynch, Malmsteen, and I could on all day... LOL Hit me up on the Discord when ya get time.

OK see ya in a few ... I just noticed our man the chief just got 'the envelope please' ... ;-)

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