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RE: @Chiefmappster's Beat Battle League Week 6 Entry: You Are Still My Happiness (Original Beat)

in #beatbattle7 years ago (edited)

Man o man I can feel that. That depth. That is a special connection, special bond displayed in this beat I can freakin feel it.

I love how you came with the sounds (I hear three) and layering right off the bat. Got me immediately hooked. Then the flow you two created carried me the rest of the way.

I absolutely love the piano and it seems your piano skills would definitely help out in a live Beat Battle Event (hint hint).

God bless and thank you for all you two do.



Thank you always for your in depth commentary encouraging us to keep up the high quality and good intentions with our music.

Me and Edgar collabing together tends to be seamless with various approaches to creativity. He is sharper than me on the keys! A live beat battle definitely sounds intense lol but with piano let's go

God bless indeed

You're welcome appreciate that. Just try and do my part my friend.

O weee it is an epic team and I have a feeling you two will come up with an epic name.

And heck yeah we are working on it. @instrumentals has some experience with live beat battles. And working with @vegancap to have the top two in the Beat Battle League do a live battle at the University of Missouri for the title.

Only time will tell and God hahaha :)

You are definitely hustling I see
Yeah we will find a name maybe eventually lol
Looking forward to seeing what transpires in the future
God willing

"God's warriors" came to mind but that's just the first thought that came to mind.

Me too brother me too.

Yeah we entertained that type of name before but nothing solidified yet. In due time.
God's timing is always perfect

Amennn my brother amennnnnnn

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