Beach Wednesday ~ Waiting For The Green Flash ~ Original Photography and A Very Short Story ~

in #beachwendesday7 years ago (edited)

EW1_1405-1 152kb.jpg

Approaching Storm At Day's End

Englewood Beach, Florida

I've always enjoyed the late part of the day on the tropical beaches of paradise. The sun heads down on the horizon, the winds pick up a bit, and the temperature approaches a more bearable mark. All making it a very pleasant and relaxing time of the day.

The myriad of beach-combers congregate to watch the sun go down, and in the southern climes, stand in large groups along the shore, hoping against hope to see the 'Green Flash', as the sun finally dips below the horizon. And yes, it does exist. I've been lucky enough to see it three or four times in my life.

On this day, a very large thunderstorm was moving in, so the other touri and the coveted view of the flash will have to wait. In no time, the wondrous part of the late day will be replaced by a momentous lighting storm. Another spectacular part of hanging out at the beach.

Have you ever seen the Green Flash at Sunset? Where were you, and what did you think?
Thanks for stopping in for a view.

Poste Scripte: If anyone knows how to spell Wednesday correctly in Original Tag, let me know. "Yarrg."

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That's so crazy, I've never even heard of the 'green flash' until today- @jedau wrote about it on my post, and then I come here and you have a post about it. Do you need a flat horizon for it?
Beautiful picture, the one thing I really miss about the ocean as opposed to the lake is the sandy beaches. My parent's beach-when the water level isn't so high that there actually is one-is all stones. I find cool fossils there though :)

Must be something in the water today, so everyone is writing about it. I've only seen it in Florida, on the western side as the sun goes down. And though I don't know for sure, Florida is as flat as a kitchen table, so that flat thing is probably true. And it's always been over the water when I've seen it.

Think it happens because green is the last color of the spectrum to pass through the atmosphere from the curvature of the earth, to our eyes as the sun goes down. Don't hold me to that, but I'm sticking with it ( :
It's just the very final piece of the sun that turns bright iridescent green the split second it slips below the water horizon. Very cool. @old-guy-photos above said there are pictures on the internet. Go figure (( : Hope you get to see it one day.

That's awesome finding fossils on the beach, what kind of fossils do you find? My dad was a huge rockhound, so I used to go wandering with him looking for crinoids and trilobites. Don't know how many railroad spikes I pulled out walking 'the line' to find those odd, cool little things.

I thought the "Green Flash" was a superhero...but I never was into comics so what do I know lol.
I seriously have never heard of that before. I looked it up and sure enough you are right ;)
I love sunsets so this will give me something new to look for. I love learning something new everyday, so many thanks!

Classic. Not much of a comic dude growing up either. But it does sound like a a superhero.
Hope you get to see the thing one day. Happens right as the sun goes below the horizon. Not sure if it has to be over water or not. People expect a huge flash of light, but it's pretty subtle. The sun surface turns iridescent green at the split second it goes below the horizon. Maybe someday.

Yep I looked it up and saw a few pics online! I will be watching for it from now on!

Excellent post dear friend @ddschteinn congratulations on the excellent catch, there is nothing more beautiful than spend a quiet day on the beach and you are surprised a beautiful sunset, thank you very much for this beautiful picture dear friend.

Thank you. I agree, it is a very peaceful place to hang out. Never get tired of it, but don't get to do it as often as I'd like. Thanks for the look and comment, and have a nice night.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for the look and comment. Very much appreciated.

I agree this is the most beautiful part of the day on the beaches. I like that quite sunset 🌅 and of course I feel such a peace in your shot. Excellent. I follow you because I am a diver and I am crazy about ocean. I like to dive or just lay down on the beach and relax myself. I live pretty far so each shot let me feel that amazing part of the world. You welcome to follow me and find out anything interesting for yourself 🤗 Have a full of inspiration day.

Thank you. It is a very peaceful place to be. Nice you get to spend time in the OTHER side of the beach, diving. That would be very wild indeed. I'm more of a walk for miles on the beach, looking for petrified sharks teeth and horse and camel teeth fossils sort of guy. But it's all fun. Thanks for the look and comment.

No, I haven't ever seen the Green Flash at Sunset, especially at the beach like this! Very amazing sunset with the huge cloudy sky over the sea! I also like color of the sky as well! Beautiful picture! ;)

Thank you for the compliment. It was a very lovely, peaceful evening. At least until the lightning kicked in. Fun to watch, but not while out on the beach. (It hits out in the water, it's rather wild, when it is lower than you are. Time to head in.) The green flash is amazing, right as the sun goes down, there is a bright green sheen to the sun. For just a nanosecond. Very wild. Have a nice day.

You are highly welcome! Thanks so much for describing more about the scenery on the beach that day! I can now better imagine about the atmosphere! It seemed to be very nice and exciting evening. Have a nice day, too! ;)

Hello my friend

Thanks for this post and the wonderful post
I really liked what I wrote in this post
The selection of the post is so lovely
Happy day to you and always

Thank you for the look and comment. Appreciate your appreciation. Happy day to you as well.

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