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RE: Litter beaches in Limbe, Cameroon

in #beachwednesday7 years ago

Nothing to be sorry about I think that these kind of images need to be shared so that people think twice and not toss a little piece of litter sideways. Sometimes you don't think that this matters too much because it's just a little plastic cork. But when it ggets in the ocean it ends up on the beaches like this. I have been visiting Bali and on some Tides you would have plastic bottles floating as far as you can see. It really makes you sad looking at that kind of images but we must not forget what happens if we act unresponsible.


Thank you @bescouted! That's why I try to avoid plastic in general and what I suggest for everyone else, too!

All sorts of package have their own issues. And even plastic, if recycled correctly it would be environment friendly. I just do not get it how many stupid people are out there...

No, I don't or only half agree! Plastic can not be environment friendly! It is made of oil that has to be extracted from the deep of the ocean (in most cases) and during production of plastic, tiny little plastic particles are washed away into the oceans, got eaten by small fish, that are eaten by big fish, that are eaten by men, and we shit it into the environment again, if it isn't leaving our body at all!

Well i will not argue, as i do not possess that deep knowledge, just stuff has to be packaged somewhere and any package has negative impact on the environment..

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