"My Entry for First 5 days of 2019 (When you are older, what do you think, children will ask you to tell them stories about?)"

This is my entry for the contest : 

Created by @priyanarc

When you are older, what do you think, children will ask you to tell them stories about????

What would the children want to hear from me when I'm old, I think a lot of things. The most curious ask me in amazement "Grandma what were the musicas and videocassettes?" they will have no idea what they are and I will alambicch to explain it to them and they will laugh so much when I say that we would send them back and forth with a pencil and that we would take off their tapes.

They will ask me kindly what I played as a child, peeking from their super tablets and games so advanced as to make a scientist shiver, and I will tell them that I had the tamagochi, a kind of video game where you feed an invented animal, they will not believe me when I will tell them that he had obsolete graphics and that when I played the playstation four it seemed like another world.

About the playstation they will shout "that old stuff" and they will ask me if it was true that as a child I went around on a Vespa, they were seen only in museums that will be ultra technological and interactive, they simulated the wind and the noise of the engine .

I will laugh, a museum can not replace a true round in Vespa with the summer breeze in Tuscany. 

They will ask me about spice girls and they will laugh at their ridiculous looks, and I will tell them about all the music that they will find funny and unlistenable.

They will look curious at my old videos on facebook and they will tell me "What were these?" I will tell them about social networks and how we used them almost all, some refused but then the world has changed and everyone is now online, even they, the grandchildren will always be connected, hyper connected and will be normal. I will tell them about a life offline, of running in the meadows, of kites, of bicycle races and of jumping competitions.

They will ask me astonished how a kite was made and how to use it, I will try to explain it to them but they will be immediately to us, much better their electronic traffics, where they have access to millions of online games, more immediate than a kite.

They will ask me if I was happy without all the comforts of today, how was living with the water heater, cutting wood yourself, cooking yourself and studying books and I will tell them that yes, I was happy, I was very happy.

> Image source : https://pixabay.com/it/sombrero-donna-anziana-cappello-1082322/


Hahaha I had a lot of fun with your entrance, remembering the space invader of atari and the cassette nintendo. My oldest son had a tamagochi, hahaha was always about to die. Greetings.

Ah ah i must confess mine too, i always forget to feed it XD uuh nintendo, i did not mentioned it, but it will seem really a odd thing in the future ^^

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