September Progress Update

in #bcshop6 years ago (edited)


In September the team was focused on catalog feature to bring public deals and companies to platform.


We are glad to announce that our biggest feature will go live just in a few days, or it may already be deployed as you read this. Of course we are talking about catalog of offers. In the previous update post we talked about Merchant Approval and how it is connected with catalog. Approved merchants’ offers are shown in catalog just like in some of your favourite online store.
New section resides right at the main page and it contains a small list of some categories available for browsing.

You can see all the categories and their subcategories by clicking Catalog button in the upper menu.

If you click on any of categories or subcategories you’ll see the catalog page with filter area. It allows you to set different search criteria to precisely express your needs. As you can see this criteria include Category/Subcategory, Price, Escrow Usage, Merchant’s reliability and some others.

You can also make use of Search field above the offers list to search exactly what you want. The search process is quite smooth, offers are being filtered as you type, so no need to press additional buttons.pic5.PNG

Please note that it is possible to switch view of offers to tiles, if for some reasons you don’t like default list view.

Also it will be possible to adjust columns of the offers list with already familiar Gear button and see merchant’s details right in the offers list. These features are not presented on screenshots but planned to be included in the final version of Catalog.

Merchant Approval Released

As you may have noticed, the merchant approval process was successfully deployed on the website, so if you plan to show your offers to everybody, please visit new My Company page.

Roadmap section

Let’s started with the most anticipated update. It is actually not a new feature, but something useful which lots of people demand. It is the roadmap section at the bottom of the main page of our website.

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