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RE: Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Legacy

in #bcc7 years ago

Things are becoming more and more confusing in the crypto world for people like me just starting to get into it. I've had a hard enough time trying to tell my friends about things like bitcoin over the last while, and now with all the various problems bitcoin has been experiencing and the fact there's now two versions of bitcoin, and there may be a third on the way, I just don't know anymore.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that, I'm sure we all want to see mass adoption of cryptocurrencies in the future, I know I do at least, but as things are becoming increasingly more difficult to understand how will we ever see the average person using these technologies?

I don't know though, maybe I actually understand less than the average person.


Average person will be using the technology just like average people use facebook nor knowing how it works, or driving a car not knowing how engine or breaks are working.

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