LaneAxis project overview

in #baunty6 years ago

A platform for interaction LaneAxis applies the know-how of the Blockchain, and more specifically,
immutability and traceability of records in the bridge property among carriers, shippers, trucks, and managers.

LaneAxis is changing the industry of global coordination through the development of the blockchain in order to direct the relationship of the consignor-carrier-addressee, in addition, someone is rebuilding the ecosystem plunged into the influence of smart contracts. This will also give the opportunity to save in a significant, for example, in fuel, by controlling the route, the advantage to this, this improves entrepreneurship-movement.

With LaneAxis movement of components, including from one place, and then in the future, never again will not be uncomfortable and awkward action. The LaneAxis blockchain will enable shippers and bearers to improve and computerize a variety of basic operations. In a similar way, shippers and carriers will never again use expensive sellers of the third edge, for example, freight arbitrators, meetings of external coordination and freight forwarders, a significant share of which will require 30% of the price of the whole procedure of transportation of goods.

Blockchain Laneaxis will be set into count the accounts books, smart contracts and other processes of the blockchain in any numeric assets and transactions of the organization and scaling of innovative technologies with exponential outcomes for the management of logistics and automation.

Introduction technological processes blockchain enables shippers to implement, regulate and track the transaction in the supply chain, and also to digitize motion, reduce fraud, strengthen leadership and to observe the saving period and money according to all channels.

Laneaxis generates tokens, private blockchain platform, and also ecosystem with the purpose of implementing the transaction from within the platform. Thus, as well as LaneAxis forms a supply chain in the blockchain, this conclusion will be the main, thus as well as significantly guarantees the effectiveness and reliability of the platform's activities, in a pile with its transparency and security. The form of the blockchain will make it possible to trace the supply chain in the order of the present period, which will make it possible to guarantee supervision for the purpose of 2 edges-the sender and the recipient. The objective of the platform LaneAxis to be our favourite industry-wide platform to take in their own equipment know-how, the blockchain, to control the supply and provision of their security and truthfulness.

In 2014 LaneAxis basis to give multiple patents in the basic texture information of the road transport vision, as well as popular “Platform for the direct optimization of the shipper/carrier". In July 2015, there was a beta test of the concept, and by the main quarter of 2016 years of active overload, which were launched through the concept. Today LaneAxis safely carries thousand of freight through its own platform.

The Blockchain Technology

A group of creators watching opportunities in the application of technological processes the blockchain with the aim of improving the supply chain. Applying the know-how of the blockchain, the firm wanted to ensure with the aim of logistics and transportation of goods is unique the probability of use of intersectoral platforms, which will be the role distribution among all links of the chain of transportation of goods, and thus, the whole supervision is necessary data most links. This in its own order will plunge to profitable collaboration. The use of blockchain will solve such problems, as well as:

  • instant fee,
  • clarity and guaranteed decency in the combination of nomenclature,
    – performance increase of the resolution of debatable issues,
  • constant chronicle of cargo carriers.

Buyers can purchase the whole and colorless supervision need sending. Watch suspension of Luggage, approximate calculation period, to observe the routes.

LaneAxis solve the difficulties of opacity, duration, and high cost of logistics services. The advantage to this, the site reliably observes because of the documentation, for example, because of the insurance certificates, the beloved tracks their increase, checks them. Smart contracts applied in the plan can help improve shipments by making them mechanical, thus as in any with contracts written entrepreneurship-principles and conditions, and directly contract – self-executing. The increase in truthfulness is also due to this, the fact that if the forwarder something in this case will replace, this information will instantly become loose according to the whole logistics chain, which will make it possible to improve the delivery procedure with the latest costs.

LaneAxis supervision and documents in the present time
Cloud base concept, with a high degree of security, LaneAxis Virtual Freight management desktop and mobile addition guarantees in the order of the present period the illusion of shipment and information via GPS, in addition, without exception, this provides the probability of predictive professionals and this control of shipment for the purpose of shipping companies. The site allows users to control all deliveries without exception in the order of the present period, to adjust the scale of the geofence, to acquire notifications of the presence of a milestone or difficulty and to broadcast the paper instantly (for example, delivery confirmation). A direct result with the purpose of absolutely all: oeconomiae funds, savings period, optimized movements, food moves more rapidly and more successful – all without exception, the presence of a low entry price.

Blockchain Biogeocenosis LaneAxis
Ecosystem LaneAxis Nacala in minimizing the chain among the shipper and the carrier. Sweetheart is mentored in reducing the number of arbitrators in various stages of the activity. According to the essence, the concept of this plan is similar in this case, what happened before with travel agencies – all without exception, most of them expels online reservation. Thus, LaneAxis will hide the need for mediation. Senders, carriers and other edges of the sphere will acquire API LANEAXIS and in addition a token, as a result of which it will be possible to join the landing stage.

Token Implementation Model

AXIS token-utility tokens used in LaneAxis landing stage. As well as previously noticed before, this token will be needed to join the landing stage, and in addition, in the version of the gateway to view the Ledger, and in addition, this will become a source of access to the API, without exception, this is tied to the Ethereum blockchain. In addition, the tokens will fall and the financial share – they will act in the property of the crypto currency in the landing stage, and directly in it will be carried out all transactions, without exception, which are available in the landing stage. In addition, due to the tokens will be carried out including the observation of baggage in the present period, from sending up to direct extraction. For the purpose of drivers will be based mobile Supplement that can help them to set the load.

Road map



Token separation
Now let's analyze in this case, as well as the group decided to share tokens.

Six% - individual sales
Sixty-three% - advance sale
Seventeen% - public sale
Two and a half % – bounty
The five percent - employees, developers, PR, Marketing
Five percent – reserve
One and a half% - for the purpose of community
The axis token will work as well as access to the unmodified diary LaneAxis, and in addition to the importance of the access key to the blockchain concept LaneAxis. In addition, the axis token program will function as a source for the purpose of extracting access to the API, along with the way of coordinating services, functions and positive aspects in the LaneAxis blockchain.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57616.20
ETH 3030.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.25