Stopping the Steemmonsters Raffles.

in #battle5 years ago

People who are following me will know that I made these Steemmonsters raffles, but I decided to stop making them for now at least, since I didin't see many people coming back to the raffles.

The results of the last raffle doesn't even need to be picked with picker.steemify, because the only entry was made by @agr8buzz
So congratulations to him !
The card has been sent.

The reason that I made these raffles was to get a small use case for my token EEK (Kroon) that me and 3 other estonians decided to make for funsies :D

We made a million coins and shared 1/4 to everyone so everyone who paid the 25 ENG got 250k EEK.

But It was fun making these raffles, and if any of you have any ideas what I should do with my part of the 250k EEK, then let me know :D


I liked those raffles, but last few times it were "reward" cards, which for me is less exciting than alpha and beta.

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