sorry steemit Community for the problems that you're having I think our enemies are more powerful than anyone has

in #battle7 years ago

Fully realized, I hope that these difficulties don't last so long, this morning it's asking for my master key just to make replies, in America we have such a beautiful tradition name freedom of speech, I think in the Muslim nations they don't have a respect for freedom of speech, in fact I'm pretty positive that they don't even have a respect for Freedom truth or righteousness, just their profit, I curse his Unholy name, Muhammad the false prophet, burn in hell Evermore I say Elijah calling on him I aM, calling all in all Muslims to repent and be baptized in the name of the living Christ while you have a chance

As always thanks for reading and have a great day everyone. @yzart
Just an afterthought to all Christians bless you live Evermore and your shoes step on the heads of all the serpent unbelievers, fear not I am with you

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