Beta Testing SkyWeaver TCG!!!

in #battle5 years ago


Super pumped to receive a Beta key from the folks at Horizon earlier this week. Let's Play!

What is SkyWeaver?

SkyWeaver is a free-to-play Trading Card Game with blockchain superpowers, which means that you have true ownership of your digital cards. By winning battles and ascending the SkyWeaver ranks, you earn new cards, which you can play or trade.

If you want to learn more you can check out their FAQ page, or watch this short video to get up to speed..

Since getting into Beta earlier this week I've been able to play a few games almost everyday and have earned some cards which I can use to build a custom deck down the road. There's essentially two main modes of play currently, Random and Constructed.

Random mode lets you play with a deck of cards randomly selected from all available "Prisms" [Strength, Wisdom, Heart, Agility], while Constructed is a more competitive mode where you build a custom deck from the available cards that you have earned and collected. As a noob I'll be playing Random for the foreseeable future until I have enough cards in my collection to attempt constructed. Each time you level up you earn two new randomly selected cards, your collection slowly builds over time.

Definitely benefits to this progression, as you gain experience you go through the learning curve and get a better understanding of the meta, the monsters and the spells and the prisms that they live within.

Each Prism targets a general strategy:

  • Agility: Aggro, fast Attacks

  • Heart: Strong Support focus

  • Intellect: Strong Combo potential, with lots of card synergy

  • Strength: Aggro, hardier Units

  • Wisdom: Control, strong Spells

There's a lot of cards, like 300+! This progression introduces you to new elements of game play gradually over time which makes total sense and has probably helped to avoid complete frustration that sometimes comes with being overloaded with info. So far so good!!

More details to come as I get more games under my belt.

I'll close with some screen shots from a match this morning that I played with @philippekiene. Thanks for the early morning match mate, great way to start a Friday.

Here I'm choosing my hand. To start you're given 7 random cards and you choose 4 to make your starting hand. I just happened to pick the top 4 here..

We're mid game, a few cards are in play and the background has shifted to night sky!

Still learning all the monsters but this one looks like a beast! Too bad @philippekiene destroyed it before I could even get it into action, smart move! At a cost of 6 mana it has a 9 Attack with 3 Defense, bit of a glass cannon but on death it summons 3 Sneks..bad ass! and the artwork is killer too!!


Alright that's it for now! More to come over the following days and weeks as we dive deeper and deeper into the game.



Well played you demolished me in that game...

Haha, I'm sure you'll get your revenge!

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