The Next ICO

in #bat7 years ago


If you have been watching the latest trends in crypto, ICO's are the latest money making trend. Until one fails miserably and puts an end to this frenzy, a modest investment in some should give you a modest return on investment. ( This is not an investment advice)

What to look for:

Not all ICO's are created equal, you still need to do your own research and find out if an ICO has a legitimate reason to collect funds. You need to know who is involved, developers, advisers, investors etc...

What's the next ICO to play with?

BAT Basic Attention Token

You can buy BAT in about 24 hours, I expect the ICO to end quickly, so have your ETH ready in your ETH wallet.
The price is 6400 BAT / 1 ETH which translates to ~1400 SATS / 1 BAT at this time.


One thing to watch out for, I heard rumors of a lawsuit, this could be FUD, but I would research that in the next 24 hours.


Soon you will have opportunity to create ICO (digital asset) on STEEM blockchain. That will be fun.

Seriously ? Can you post a source :) Thanks !

Thanks for the info I have been watching this for a while and posted about it once or twice. They have said that BATs are not meant to be a store of value, they will have utility as a part of this new advertising model. There must be a way to exchange them and they certainly will have value but I am interested to see where this project goes. I for one would love be paid in Satoshis for watching ADs, or have the ability to use the service to advertise. I have been using the Brave web browser since January and it is AMAZING.

Read the White Paper. Start using BRAVE now!

"They have said that BATs are not meant to be a store of value, they will have utility as a part of this new advertising model." They said the same sort of thing about Ethereum years ago. They also said smart contracts would never get hacked because they would all be so short that there would be no security holes.

Brave browser is top notch! Big things to come here!

I wish my short and sweet posts got this much attention, yeesh!

I missed some good ICO, but will not miss this one.

How to buy it?? i cant find the info

Tutorial: How to Buy Basic Attention Tokens (BAT)

look at the pdf files
If you have not dealt with tokens on eth wallets before, be very careful.

Always interessting ICO. Thank you for the information

What does BAT make special in your point of view? Why invest here instead of others?

I am on the same boat, I am lacking to find why we should move to this instead of normal advertising. I am hoping that someone creates a pros and cons chart for this coin vs normal tokens.

That is the part you need to research. I did my research and made my decision. I could be wrong, in which case I will be responsible for my mistake. So should you.

Seriously? Then why do you post at all? Let me tell you how this sounds like to me: "Hey guys here is something I find cool, but I don't tell you why, because if I'd do so I would have to acknowledge responsibility for my opinion and in today's time it is not liked to express an own opinion as everyone has to decide for him, her, or itself about what to decide about and if that is right or wrong or something in between as right or wrong actually cannot exist."
Where is the value in your posting? If any, then it qualifies as an advertisement and I don't know who needs more of that.
Value would be an analysis or at least some little peace about the "why it's good in your point of veiw". And if others decide to invest or not that is not your concern or responsibility indeed. That's everyones own decission. You do not need to fear that.
I see by now you made $300 with this posting. Only explanation I have is, people rate the relationship on autopilot, not the content of posting. If you see the value in your post I missed then I'm more than happy to hear your point of view and maybe reconsider.
Of course, if you're some crypto-guru who only has to point at something and everyone knows "if that guy is pointing at something it will be the next big thing", yeah then go for it buddy. My apologies.

Everything I wanted to write about BAT is in my post. I am not a financial adviser. Where did I say it's the next big thing? if I tell you why I think it's a good investment for myself, you would probably laugh. But here it is, business potential zero, I really do not care about that. Use Case zero, I do not care about that neither. Long term potential zero, yes you guessed it I do not care.
Price ~1400 SATS per token, supply 1 billion, 1.5 billion with what is not actually sold, those are the two factors I considered in my decision.
I am not a crypto-guru and do not claim to be one, but I do well in my assumptions. I have never received payment to advertise any ICO, I am willing to do so though, given there is a potential in it for people to make money.

That's a valuable reply indeed. Thank you for sharing this. Also what you replied below about short term. With that in mind, yes it is a very good ICO, haha. Good luck for that

Thank You for understanding :D
you made me say things I should not say about something I am about to put money into, now that you know where I come from, please do not ask me the same question again lol Good luck to you too.

Appreciated and well noted :D

Good advise, but I think the market runs off the whales who do interviews like on Dollar Vigilante. Its amazing to see this growth so fast. I think several companies offer something for what they are selling like: PIVX, Steemit, Ethereum and of course Bitcoin. Everyone is on to Ripple w/o even knowing what/who is behind it. Be cautious because one big bust can bring this all to an end!!!

whales who do interviews like on Dollar Vigilante

That made me laugh so hard, thanks. Super shemittahahahahahaha

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