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RE: Basketball Jones Part II: Ground-Based Vegetals, and The Never Ending Quest For The Proverbial Hardwood Floor ~ Original Photography And A Rather Long Story In Two Parts ~

I'm SO far behind, I think I just passed myself on the 3rd lap...
We were hooligans, if not NICE hooligans. Sounds like you were quite similar. Yes, I know it 'was your brothers', but I'm thinking DS was a bit of a part of it all as well. Though as you say, boys do throw caution to whatever winds might be blowing that day. I was actually not as brave as my brother as well. Maybe it's a middle child thing, I don't know. Thanks for the nice thoughts about the DD Writes. I wonder where I would put these things out TO, other than an electronic book or such? I've always thought about a blog, but that is what Steemit is, and from what I hear, few people read blogs anymore. Hmm, just wondering. Well, hope all is going peachy in the far eastern seaboard of our grand country. Thanks for all the nice tips, that is very nice indeed. Full Steem Ahead

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