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RE: Why I got into the idea of unconditional basic income and how we can go about implementing it

It's a nice idea maybe, but doesn't really account for what will happen during the upcoming worldwide hyperinflation/drought/famine/pandemic/war/robot invasion.
The guaranteed minimum wage cannot survive any serious test from reality.


Our problems right now stem mostly from growing inequality and falling demand. As William Gibson said, the future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed.

Hyperinflation occurs where more and more currency is chasing an insufficient supply. That isn't our problem in the US. We can't even hit our 2% inflation targets for optimal economic growth. Money velocity is slow as hell, and consumers are spending less and less due to having less to spend after basic needs and expenses are covered.

So if inflation is your concern, I suggest reading this to get more deeply into that and all the variables involved.

As for your concerns of a pandemic and robot invasion... I really don't know what to say to those. Personally, I think we should make the world a better place and not sit back and do nothing out of imaginary fears.

The reality is that the automation of human labor has arrived, and it's really important we decouple income from work as a response to that, preferably before the mass unemployment of truck drivers.

you're talking robotic socialism. Socialism necessitated by robots. Freedom will be eliminated, also out of necessity. Anyone who rails against that system, once it is instituted, will be lower than a terrorist. The happy recipients of that guaranteed wage would actually gladly watch opponents of the system be deprived of everything and every right that they have. They would actually be happy to see the opponents of that system hunted down and exterminated - BY ROBOTS. You want to see robots become the beloved guardians of order and peace? Guarantee that anyone can receive a subsistence allowance just as long as they do not create disorder in the system. If they DO get it in their minds that they can rebel, they will be happily CRUSHED by the ruling class + their placated slaves. This is not a good way to go.
This should be filed under #hardforkseries.

Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek both advocated basic income. They were both free market capitalists. If you don't know their names, you should. Hayek even felt basic income was important for freedom. If that confuses you, I suggest reading this to learn more:

What I'm talking about is an income floor. A floor, not a ceiling. Think Monopoly. Do you start that game with nothing? No. Why? Because you need money to play the game. You then also get $200 each time you pass Go. Why? Because you need money to play the game. The game is about earning more money, but as the saying goes, you need money to make money.

Basic income is that minimum amount of money required to play the game. All money earned is earned on top of it. If you're earning $5,000 per month right now, and start getting $1,000 in basic income, the most likely thing you're going to do is treat it as a raise.

As technology performs more and labor for us, that also means we can work less. Instead of 40 hours per week being considered full-time, we can see it as 30 hours, or 20 hours, etc. That's how the trend has gone through history, and it only makes sense to continue.

As for the rest of your comment, it really doesn't make much sense to me, and sounds pretty crazy actually. Take care.

we are already in it,
as i drive into the freeway to drive fast from point A to point B , i pay 1 euro to enter
if i dont have i cant enter into the reality of this Robotic grid
Then on the Freeway there are cameras and AI ensuring i maintain speed below 130 km/hr
If i disobey and the AI captures me , i am sent a speeding ticket
All the time AI is educating me to take it easy , drink lot of water ..telling me about traffic
and all the while google maps is misguiding me most of the time lol

Now those who oppose it take national routes where they dont have to pay but they cant go fast .... So in the End AI wants to control human Time experience ...... or we are giving AI the control of our Time experience .... this is an interesting question

Cool story, bro. I think you are confusing reality with a Hollywood movie.. ;)

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