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RE: The Water Room Analogy - Understanding the Logic of Full Universality

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

I see crypto-UBI and govt-UBI as being complementary to each other. Steemit is actually it's own good example. We know it's possible to earn $1,000 per month on Steemit, but how many people here are actually achieving that? How many people aren't even on the platform? How many people don't even have computers or smartphones to join the platform?

However, now imagine the country has UBI. Everyone starts each month with $1,000 instead of $0. Now how many people are part of the Steemit community? How many more people get computers and smartphones to make that possible? How many people have more ability to spend time on Steemit to build their Steemit incomes on top of their basic incomes?

I think Alaska shows that a UBI done by government can be extremely successful. And I also think that cryptocurrency solutions are brilliant for providing people with even more income on top of their basic income. ;)


I think you are right. I think it could be a much better system than the one we currently have. My only concern is that I'm a voluntarist so I have a moral problem with the government forcing other people to give me $1000 every month. But I think that is beside the point of this discussion. :) Plus the government is already doing that so if it is going to happen anyway, I think ubi might be a better solution. (as your article points out)

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