
Still suspect I'd say. HRC lost in no small part for lack of vision. So after she helped elect Trump via HRC/DNC "pied piper" strategy elevating him in primaries she perhaps is rationally trying to rebrand as having some deeper vision than she chose to run on her second time at bat.

They're all the same. They all have an epiphany after they've had their chance to implement it. It's easy for them to make bold pronouncements when they don't have to risk putting their head on the chopping block.


Thank you for publishing this topic and also the clipping!

The concept of a Guaranteed Basic Income I got to know in 2006 the first time and it never left me again. I started a special blog in 2008 - writing over 100 articles just about this topic. I got excited because my blog was well visited and I remember vividly the first day I got 700 readers.

Eventually I stopped blogging for I ran out of headlines and content. It is all in German. I give you the link - and hope you don't mind - most people I guess, cannot read it:

Here in Germany the politicians on top mostly ignore the topic although the citizens did a huge amount of work on it and it entered also partly the program of the political parties. Our election this year offered the opportunity to even vote for a new party with this single topic.

So there is a lot going on. The biggest movement is though in Switzerland. The best known figure is "Daniel Häni" when it comes to Public Relations- he has a huge "fan base" as well. I can give you a lot more information if you are interested.

They actually got 23 % for their application that the basic income should be a referendum (Switzerland). Which is quite impressive for the first run. There will for sure be more.

Sounds encouraging, hopefully we can abolish poverty someday.


I do own the domain name

kind of long though??

Yes but look at ''

looks interesting will have to read white paper at some point. Thanks!!

Government takes money out of the economy, squanders most of it, and then redistributes the dregs to buy more power.

Trickle-down economics, anyone? No thanks.

Anything being endorsed by someone who both has ties to George Soros and the illuminati is automatically suspect.

So, who pays for Basic Income? Likely taxes on your Steem profits will cover it.

Earth Dollar is an interesting model - and even Hilary's take addresses the concept - based on the Natural Capital Accounting system, in which value is assigned to various natural resources - i.e. trees kept from getting cut down, new trees being planted, waters being kept clean, sustainable solutions implemented - which are then utilized as backing assets for the currency (i.e. the Earth Dollar, in that project's case).

wealth cannot be created nor destroyed, but merely change hands. A major reason as why monetizing nature is monetizing life and humans. The best is to get rid of money since. the flaw (quest for profits) is embedded in the premise itself. Bending Natural Law can work for a while but at the expense of everybody.

Changing hands from the rich to the poor, to a just degree, sounds perfectly reasonable (and necessary) to me.

Fonts are small, couldnt read throught.


problem solved.

BOOM! :p

basic income will lead to the hunger game society, who and what will determine the income.... if somebody used to earn 5K monthly and loses his jobs to robots... UBI will not fill the gap

it is also irrational that the tiny top owns most of the world wealth, which they obtained with the manipulation of boom-busts cycles, and that nothing is done about it. Wall street is a legalized scam because if that. Too many insiders. It is easy to control the money supply with interest rates. So, indeed what to expect from UBI... just think Orwell's 1984

I started a movement for a money-free and futuristic society. 5000 years that the elites fiddle with money at the expenses of the populaces, and it is enough to thrown in the towel. Money is meant to enslave

Quantum computing will end crypto currencies, I wrote several blogs about it. Nothing lasts forever. Materialism is meant to be overcome because it is an metaphysical illusion

given free stuff with no strings attached ? Honest guv'nor. lmfao.

Anybody thinking UBI is a great idea, I give you a unique opportunity - only 200 sdb for a delivery of a unicorns, (in various colors).

Only 1 left - get your order in quickly. Deposit now !

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