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RE: Basic Income 2.0

in #basicincome8 years ago

Please, all you people advocating some system of basic income, BEGIN by dealing with the assertion that ALL TAXATION IS THEFT (otherwise, it would not be tax, it would be a voluntary donation), and violates the non-aggression principal. Don't leave it to last, after you have come up with your otherwise perfect plan - because I, for one, will refuse to pay your tax.


Excellent point. It is just disguised socialism unless the government pays for it themselves.

One modification can make it ethical, import taxes and luxury sales tax. At least then you have the choice of saving your money, or paying the tax on your import or luxury purchase. Before 1913 this was how the government was funded. If you bought local goods and food was not taxed, this would be the ideal system.

The proposal (on the german site) includes variable sales taxes for different goods, the 15% seem to be just an average. Basic needs like food are extempt as long as the employee/turnover ratio is met.
I included this in the OP

You know what's worse than legislated theft? When wealth inequality is so severe that it leads to revolt and the violent removal of those seen as having benefited the most from an unfair system.

I for my part am quite happy to live in a country where walled communities aren't necessary. Others seem to prefer to get a lot of guns and shoot everyone who approaches their territory...

Are those the only two alternatives?

Wealth inequality is the purpose of the state. As such taxes are the purpose of wealth inequality as well. Poor people are just too stupid to understand

Most of today's big guys got their wealth by theft. The non-aggression principle can only come to effect when the current situation, which evolved through centuries of constant aggression, is solved. Everything else would mean subordination to our current masters.

You have a current master? Who dat? (I'm not married, so I guess I may not be able to empathize with you :-) )

I'm divorced :P
I was really thinking to add a "wannabe" before masters, but expected it to be understandable without :D

So bribing congress to create rules that personally benefit you is not a form of theft?

If government (I'm talking America here) were to be kept within the bounds of their Constitutional powers, no one could bribe them to make rules to personally benefit them BECAUSE THOSE RULES WOULD BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL and hence null and void.

You misunderstand the purpose of the government....

I might,in a very abstract and idealistic way,agree that taxation is theft.But more relevant is that property is theft.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau made the same general point when he wrote: "The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."[6]
so,could we have a world without property,and without taxes?
In my opinion,yes,and it is called among other things a resource based economy.It is a post scarcity system.WE have the tools to leave this petty games and conflicts behind,fighting over scarce resources,people living in overabundance while others starve.Btw the state has been an instrument for political stability always,and has protected the interests of the owners of(excessive) capital.

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