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RE: Unconditional Basic Income and the Question of Freeloading

in #basicincome7 years ago

Actually it is people of your mind set who have changed what began as the type of society I prefer. There are plenty of statist governments to choose from all over the world, but there were no alternatives for us liberty lovers. If only your gang had followed your advice and left decades ago to find a society that already did what you doomed Americans to suffer we would all be better off.

If you really believe that we have smart phones because of government, or that the internet as it exists today is due to government then you really are misguided.

Of course you really are, because you think implementing a plan that will double the size of government and expand its power over our lives is your moral right and the people who don't want it should find a new place to live...


I live in the real world where facts matter. You should try it sometime.


And the US DoD funded ARPANET. Learn your history. Knowledge is fun.

Also, I want to reduce the size of bloated government just like Milton Friedman wanted, and increase liberty just like Hayek wanted. So you can take your big state loving bullshit and shove it.

You seem angry. A sign you don't deal well with differing opinions, I guess. As for real world facts, you do realize you are using Nancy Pelosi's argument that government is responsible for the I Phone, right? You can't get much farther from facts and the real world than siding with Nancy Pelosi.

Yes, basic research and development in military matters created the foundations of some of the advanced products we enjoy in the consumer marketplace today. That is far different than saying the federal government would have ever created anything like the I-Phone, or the user centered internet we enjoy today with all its market and consumer focus, all its commercial exchange. Giving the government credit for the final products built from foundations they laid long ago is just silly. We all have GPS in our cars, on our phones, everywhere, but the government didn't create the commercial success of GPS, and they wouldn't have. They just wanted a global tracking, targeting, and location system for military applications and they would have happily left it at that.

As for your desire to shrink government, its my turn to call bullshit. Every word you speak in the arena of basic income advocates for a larger, more intrusive government. You can say that because Hayek and Friedman made positive comments about a basic income that makes you their disciple, but I wonder how much Friedman and Hayek you advocate? Is it only the basic income?

In any event your attempt to make it appear the government is the source of commercial innovation in the tech field when they are only the original source of some of the basic architecture and research shows me you give too much credit to government and too little to the innovative, creative genius of individuals acting freely in a marketplace that rewards them for these deeds.

I'll not end my comment with a profane suggestion that you take your opinions and shove them up your ass, because that wouldn't be decent. Apparently you aren't either. The more you face adversity (and your buddy, Revo) the more you expose your true natures. Mean spirited, demanding agreement and acceptance without question. The very qualities that make coercion the great experience we all know it to be.

Have a great day, but I honestly hope you never, ever achieve your goal.

Here's an article debunking the idea the government is responsible for the I Phone. You should really enjoy it because they mention you by name.

Well, you might not enjoy it, because they point out that you're dead wrong.

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