We Hit 60,000 Verified Sign Ups

in #basicincome6 years ago

We are happy to announce that Manna just hit 60,000 sign ups for the latest distribution. This is an enormous jump from last week when we were at just over 50,000.

There are still more than 2.5 days until the next distribution.

Sign up takes place at http://www.mannabase.com if you have not already done so.

Thank you to all who passed out their referral links to get others involved. This is a program to share with friends, neighbors, co-workers, and other family members.

Together we are all going to make a difference.


20% in a week?

That is incredible growth.

Congratulations Manna....

Now on the road towards 70K.

Great news. I have been promoting Manna over the last few days.

Excellent and thank you.

We hope people are using your referral code and helping you get additional Manna in addition for themselves.

That's great! I'm excited to see this growth!

It still looks like things are running smoothly for manna!

I have a problem with my Manna account. Maybe you'll be able to help me :) I have an account (I think it's verified) but when I try to login, it shows an Error 500 (see screenshot). I checked my emails and I have nothing other than the newsletter. And apparently I have an account because when I try to sign up, it says that my email address is already taken. Is it a recurrent problem? Do you know what I have to do?
Thank you!
Capture d’écran 2018-04-23 à 20.21.04.png

Head to the Mannabase site and send a ticket to the tech support team.

They should be able to help you out.

Thank you for your answer.

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