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RE: How to Allocate the Worlds Resources Fairly

in #basicincome8 years ago (edited)

You have 3 distinct types of people in western societies:

  • Those who pay into taxes (consumers)
  • Those who tax the people (govt)
  • Those whom profit off of the consumers (large business owners, 1%)

It's pretty easy to see that unless you're govt or already rich and 1% you're already getting f**ked from 2 directions. You take out the 1% and those capitalizing off the people through business what you're left with is the consumer. If he's not being taken advantage of and exploited by business and govt the consumer can actually flourish in most cases.

I speak as a man who lives just outside of societies norm. I'm self employed, Don't pay income tax and I certainly don't expect a handout from a govt I'd like to see dismantled .

End of the day it's all fine and dandy to post stuff like "How to Allocate the worlds resources fairly" but when you're actually doing the opposite of what's being posted by reputation farming and knowing full well people will vote basically whatever you write and accepting payouts for it? Cmon...

What is your reasoning behind this Dan? You've got enough to retire wealthy. Do you really need to be dipping into the reward pool too knowing full well people upvote you regardless of if your post actually is feasible or realistic?

If you're going to post stuff like this I'd love to read it, But preferably I'd like to see you not accepting payouts on your posts... Because lets face it. You're the 1% on STEEM and watching you constantly drink your fill and then some not only gets tiring but also speaks volumes of what's actaully going on...

You can post all the feel good pseudo love fluff you want, But when you, as an extremely high powered account owned by a developer just keeps coming back over and over dropping whatever grand delusion of equality, all while having already taken massive helpings off the get go and just continually posting utopian "help everyone" posts while actually taking money out of people's hard earned rewards... You're STEEM'ing wrong and frankly you need to consider the PR angle on this stuff man.

Who want's to be part of a platform where the Developer can post a fart and make hundreds which in turn devalues your post? If you're going to preach equality perhaps consider your role in the ecosystem and realize your pockets are already as fattened as they should be.

(I'm still a firm believer the STEEM devs deserve mad pay for their work... But at the expense of our other posters? Did you not get enough on the second launch? )


You don't have to vote for Dan. You can also buy all the steem and then decide who gets how much.

instead of hating on productive people maybe just accept the fact that in this world the strong reap the rewards.

Your categorization above is completely out of whack by the way.

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