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RE: Universal Basic Income is Communism 2.0

in #basicincome6 years ago

You are welcome.

As it seems that you made up your mind I am not sure whether a deeper confrontation with that topic towards a more open result and unpredictability would make sense. I would have some work to look up the websites and what I would recommend reading I hope you understand that I only would do that if you signal a more urgent interest.

I guess that a couple of hundred years ago nobody in my country would have believed that a social welfare and security system for an entire population would be thinkable or even doable. People would have said to an idea like that that it's insane or not sustainable. This system was created by will.

For my part, I do not care so much about wrong or right predictions. I mostly care about my outlook on life and how I wish to lead it. I can imagine a UBI as much as I can imagine a world without money. The system matters when I have to enter the interfaces between it and me and have to watch my ethics and my ground.

Regards to Venezuela. That's far away.


Oh, I have not made a decision, I just do not see how the inflation problem can be solved, if you could give me an answer explaining how to implement a UBI without generating inflation, then my position towards the UBI would change, but not I have been able to find that answer on the internet. Thanks!

By the way, I believe that a couple of hundred years ago, it was precisely the Germans who proposed to create a plan for security and social assistance, during the Bismarck government.


In the comment above i explained how a basic income could be financed without inflation. I would be glad to hear your thoughts to that!

Thanks buddy!

I already answered it. The problem that I pose does not lie in the financing of the UBI, but in the available goods and services.


currently there are tons of goods and services available, but less and less people can afford them, so only demand for luxurious good increase, because there is tons of money.
I don't see currently a problem that we have too less goods, i see a problem of who has access to the goods.
Currently if there is no money to make, the goods will not be distributed there, even if the goods them self have no extra cost other then shipping, because they are already produced in advance. With increased automation this will be true even more in the future.

You say there are products, but the question is where?

A distribution of wealth at the international level is not possible, besides that it would probably be very toxic for the economy of those underdeveloped countries.

The countries that are rich are very few, remember that there are more than 7 billion people in the world, that in the United States or in Europe they are rich, it does not mean that their wealth can be effectively distributed among 6 billion people.


im not talking about distribution of wealth itself. im talking about fair access to the economy through fair access to money.
The current system accumulates everything from the bottom to the top. A fair system would balance this.
If you work, you can accumulate money /wealth, but if you dont work the money should flow back to the one who work. In short wealth should not generate more wealth through exploiting the work of others. And also the cost of defending your wealth should not be put on the head of others.

If poor countries / people would get fair access to money, their needs would be considered. If their needs are being considered naturally new enterprises will be developed to fulfill these needs. Currently their needs are simply not considered at all, because there is no monetary profit to make.

im talking about fair access to the economy through fair access to money.

To have access to money with value, the best way is to create wealth. Countries could try to break the influence of international banking, and use a bond system to develop an industry, so that the money that is issued is backed by real wealth. That would help those nations, but they need honest and competent politicians who can carry out a good monetary policy.

If poor countries / people would get fair access to money, their needs would be considered. If their needs are being considered naturally new enterprises will be developed to fulfill these needs.

Totally agree, but that's not the only way, not even the best one.

Look, my country is currently very poor due to bad management, here there are many natural resources, and that could attract foreign investment, that is, the capital that you say we need, but that capital will not come as long as we are governed by socialist politicians that nationalize companies, and control the entire economy. Our economy is bad, and it is only sustained because oil is demanded abroad. The countries of Africa and others of South America also have many resources, they only need to open their market, instead of imposing so many restrictions, so that wealth begins to mobilize those countries.

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